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Fan Fiction > To Where The Birds Fly

To Where The Birds Fly

Author : Hanzelnut
Published : 05 Sep 2013, Updated : 16 Dec 2015
Cast : Luhan, Kris, Kai and Sehun of EXO | Hoya of Infinite | Kim Hana, Kang Soyul (OC)
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Status : Ongoing
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To Where The Birds Fly
CHAPTER 8 : The Devil's Plan

Days turned into weeks. Christmas is nearly here within about 2 weeks. Christmas is where you gather with your big family. Where sharing and caring is mixed together and where your cheekbones officially flew up in the air. Full of laughters filling up the room. Where at the end, the whole children sings together. Full of joy and happiness.

Well me? I'm just a girl that's left all alone. Sometimes I cry in the middle of the night holding on to a picture of me and my parents when I was little. I was just 5 years old that day. Not long, my parents divorced because of my dad's number one priority, his business. He was a lawyer, known to government of South Korea. I really don't care about him, he made my mum stressed out and she died a few years later. I won't forgive for what he did to me and mum. 

Snowflakes started to drop one by one covering my balcony. I let my hand out feeling the cold snowflakes as it melts. Then I looked out. White snow sparkled as people walk by its side.

'Hmm .. I wish Mum and Dad didn't divorce then it wouldn't be like this ..'

I looked at my necklace that was given by mum. There was a picture of her and dad next to it. Then instantly closed it.

A week until Christmas holidays and we'll all be free from homeworks, teachers and detentions. I really didn't plan on going somewhere or doing something that's big. 

On the other side, everybody was planning on staying for five days at the Ski Village near Namsan Mountain. It was Soyul's idea. She said that we would stay in her villa that's not far from the ski village there. I thought it was a crazy idea, having the whole class that's 20 people coming over to a cold area isn't that easy to handle, but everybody agrees to spend their 5 days on the Ski Village. Soyul then wrote some stuff to bring and how much money to donate on the white board.

'Seriously, donation?' As soon as I see the word 'donation', I know that I won't be joining the trip. I covered my face with my left hand and my right hand flipping pages of my Chemistry book. 


The bell rang and before my classmates went out, Soyul was ready near the door with a box that's written on it saying, 'Winter Donation'.

'Seriously, Winter donation?' 

She's asking for donation, as if she really is poor. She's as rich as the President, I guess. Her dad owns a mine site and her mum is a famous fashion designer known by the people of South Korea. And now she's asking for donation. God! That gives me creeps! Well, back to the story.

With no excuses, everybody instantly puts in some cash, weather it's 3000₩ or 5000₩ they don't care. The point is that they get to the Ski Village sooner or later because they obviously hate waiting, well me too.

I thought that I could just go out of the class because I wasn't joining this field trip, but no. Soyul stopped me with her hand.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked with a tough voice.

"I'm not coming" I replied and not turning my head facing the devil's eyes.

"But-- but, why?" She changed her voice into some sad cat crying over a spilt milk.

It really annoys me and gets into my nerves so quickly. With a bit of grudge I then put my leftover money that's in my pocket to the donation box. I walked out with no money and I have to go to the ATM, thanks to Soyul.

"Hey Hana! You're coming to Soyul's field trip right?" Kai and Kris came.

Before I answered, I tip toed looking where Sehun and Luhan was.

"No I'm not coming .. By the way where's Luhan?" I asked still with my foot tippy toeing. God, they are very tall. I barely can see the view that I'm seeing.

"Don't know .. I thought he got out with you .." Kris answered with his hand typing on his phone with such an acceleration.

"Oh well, I guess we should wait for the two of them .." I snatched my iPod and listened to some song while waiting for Luhan and Sehun. 


Luhan was at his locker grabbing his books and tucking it into his backpack. His bag was full of stuff, starting with his skateboard, helmet, headphones and even his snack leftovers are still there. He isn't the hygienic type pf guy. After cramping all his stuff into his bag. Luhan closed his locker and with a surprise Soyul appeared with her big smile. Luhan jumped a bit after seeing Soyul's face. She didn't make any movements for a while and then made those cute kind of poses in front of Luhan.

"Excuse me, but do you need any help? 'coz I'm in a bit of a hurry" Luhan asked to Soyul with his bag clinging.

"I just wanted to ask if you're coming to the field trip or not .." She comes closer to Luhan and doing some flirtatious actions.

Luhan didn't answer as he was looking at Soyul and what she was going to do. She then grabbed Luhan's neck tie and played with  it. She pulled Luhan's jacket and buttoned it up. Luhan just froze and don't know what to do.


"Gosh, he's a slow poke .." I got up and walked in.

Kris and Kai just looked until Hana disappeared and continued on playing with their phones. 

I searched him in the classroom, the library, the lab and no sign of him anywhere. He must be around here somewhere. He promised me to go home together and get some coffee on our way back. 

The I saw someone who was peeking near the lockers. I poked him. It was Sehun. I asked what was he peeking but he didn't want to tell me. He shooked his hand thoroughly in front of my face. He pushed me back outside leaving questions for what was happening back there.
Finally school was over and Christmas is nearly here. I enjoyed a cup of coffee near my apartment. The view was beautiful and it feels like my eyes are hipnotized by it. Then someone familiar passed by. I focused my sight on him as he entered the coffee shop. It was Luhan.

"Oppa!" I shouted.

His head turned and looked at me. He automatically came over and sat infront of me. He ordered a glass of hot chocolate and some glazzy donuts. He said he was paying but I feel uneasy. 

"Oh, Oppa I want to ask you something .." I put down my hot cappuccino as he stopped drinking his hot chocolate. 

"What is it?" Putting his jaws on top of his hands and got his eyes stuck on mine.

"Did you remember when Hoya came to me in the library?" I started. He nodded full of curiosity.

"You said that we were dating, right?" I asked full of intention to him as he nodded again and again.

"You didn't mean it right???" I continued pointing towards his nose.

"I was fooling around, Hana. I didn't mean it seriously .." He messed Hana's hair up.
The words that was just said was 180° different. He lied to Hana. The truth was he was acting to be Hana's boyfriend so that he could make Hoya jealous.

'I really mean it by saying that we were dating .. But it wasn't the right time to say it ..' Those are the words that are deeply hidden inside Luhan's heart. But he just won't say it. It wasn't the right time to say it because of the conditions that are happening around them. 
"Oh good .. 'coz I don't want any gossips going around the school .. I really had enough of it .." I then relaxed on the comfy sofa after hearing what Luhan just said. He is a trustworthy person.

"I trust you .." I said with my eyes looking at the people walking pass outside of the coffee shop.

He choked and coughed after listening to the sentence I just said. After cleaning his mouth, he puts his hands around his ear.

"What? I can't hear you" He giggled and joked around with me for a while. I then repeated and repeated the words until I give up and pinched his ear hard.

'What a Christmas Surprise .. She was the only and first person to say that I'm trustworthy ..' Luhan smiled to Hana full of Joy and Christmas spirit.


Hoya still regrets breaking up with Hana. He was desperate for Hana to comeback into his arms. Hana's words touched his heart ans goes around his head all day long. From other side of the road, Soyul was standing there, looking at Hoya and what was he doing.

Soyul came over and patted Hoya's shoulder. Hoya looked at Soyul and not giving any expressions. She sat next to him and saw Hana's photo that was next to Hoya. She looked at it for a while.

"You want Hana back .. Don't you?" Soyul broke the silence.

"How? She has her new boyfriend with her .." Hoya answered with a desperate voice.

"Boyfriend? Real or fake?" Soyul asked with a positive energy.

As soon as Hoya heard, he looked at Soyul full of questions. Soyul looked back into Hoya's eyes full of power.

"So you're saying they made this all up?"  Hoya asked full of anger.

"Luhan made this whole contraption and we need to find a proove" Soyul stood up straightening her evil plan.

They sat, thinking what would be the best plan that could make Hana and Luhan not being able to talk or do things together anymore. A plan that's evil and would make the others believe it. So it would end up being a big gossip that the whole school would talk about. 

"I have the perfect plan for it .." Hoya puts on his evil smile to Soyul and scared her.

"But I need your help for some little actions too .." Hoya continued.