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Fan Fiction > To Where The Birds Fly

To Where The Birds Fly

Author : Hanzelnut
Published : 05 Sep 2013, Updated : 16 Dec 2015
Cast : Luhan, Kris, Kai and Sehun of EXO | Hoya of Infinite | Kim Hana, Kang Soyul (OC)
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Status : Ongoing
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To Where The Birds Fly
CHAPTER 6 : Coming Back Up

At first, I was the class' inspiration. But after I broke up with Hoya it feels that I was unknown to the world. Being thrown away and forgotten by the others. They thought that it was my faultfpr breaking up with Hoya. But actually he was the jerk. An irresistable jerk. He still acts that he still cares about me and being lovey dovey infront of me.

It was a really cold for walking outside in a Friday morning. Well at least tomorrow's the weekends. I walked by myeself but my eyes are looking back and forth. I was looking for Luhan. He usually walks down this road with Sehun, Kai and Kris oppa at this kind of time.

'I hope he shows up sooner or later ..' I crossed my arms around myself because my scarf wasn't that warm enough.

Then someone covered my eyes. I can feel his warm hands. His breathe keeps on tickling my back neck and making me want to giggle. I wonder who it is. Is it Luhan oppa?

"Geuss who?" The voice isn't that strange. I kept on thinking who it might be. My head keeps on thinking about Luhan oppa.

"Luhan oppa?" I asked with my hands on top of the stranger's hand who's behind me.

"How did you know it was me??" He uncovered my eyes as I looked back with my hands still holding his.

"Lucky, I guess .." I sticked my tongue out and smiled at him. He then wrapped his hands around my shoulder and kept on walking together to school.

We talked about lots of things like, his love for skateboard and my love for books. I just can't stop myself for always smiling to him. I have a different feeling towards Luhan. He's different from other boys that I know. He's more mature and talkative. For me, he's even more romantic than Hoya! That little jerk, keeps on coming in and out of my head.

When we arrived at school, people started to stare at us. I had my eyes glaring right and left looking for what was going on. But on the other side, Luhan kept om walking cool and calm. So I followed him and not worrying about the others.

At recess, I didn't have that much time to chat with Luhan because I was busy doing my Biology project.

"I'll be practicing my skateboard stunts at the field with the others. Come over if you finish first .." He letted go of my hands and winked at me. I nodded and waved at him as he went outside carrying his black skateboard.

Just in time for the next class. I finished my project perfectly. I got to class which was already full of my classmates. I sat and found Luhan reading the Biology book. He didn't even realize that I came and sat next to him. I shook my hand infront of his face. He turned his head and sat up. I giggled.

"So you're learning Biology?" I asked full of curiosity with my eyes peeking at his.

"Yeah .. There was nothing to do .." he scratched his head with a shy smile. He puts his books back into his bag.

At last, school was over. I got to my locker and some students were there too. Then there was a bunch of girls standing near my locker.

"Hey, did you hear that Hana and Luhan are dating?" Girl 1 started with her hands typing on her phone.

"Yeah .. My gosh, dating the most cute guys .." Girl 2 makes the conversation even hotter.

"I really don't get it .. Why would a guy like Luhan and Hoya would date such a nerdy girl?" Girl 3 making the atmosphere intense and even hotter.

As Hana heard that, she closed her locker and walked away with her face covered with a book. Not long after walking out of school she then bumped into someone. She startled an puts her book down. She only bowed 90 degrees to say sorry and then walked away.

Still wondering who made those gossips, Hana then called Luhan late at night.

"Oppa .." she started. Luhan who was half awake suddenly jolted and his cheek bones rose up as he heard Hana's sweet voice.

"Why are you calling me in the middle of the night? It's 2 in the morning .." Luhan answered with his fake sound so it looks like he just woke up.

"Sorry about that .. But I need to ask you about something .." Covering herself with a blanket while waiting for Luhan to reply.

"Save that question for tomorrow .. I'm really sleepy .." He replied with a low voice of his.

"Okay then .." She ended her call and went back to sleep.

'What was so important that she even called me late at this kind of time?' Luhan wondered as he went back to sleep.