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Fan Fiction > First Love

First Love

Author : farheey
Published : 31 Oct 2013, Updated : 23 Jun 2014
Cast : Lee Hyunjee (OC), Kris (EXO), Kim Myungsoo / L (Infinite), Hyerim (OC)
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
0 Subscribes |20514 Views |4 Loves
First Love
CHAPTER 7 : Free As A Bird

Chapter 7

7. Free as a Bird


As soon as the two sat on the fluffy couch near the glass window inside the coffee shop, Myungsoo could clearly see her smiling widely, "What is it?" He started the conversation.

Her eyes which were scanning around the coffee shop stopped at Myungsoo's eyes. With a giggle, she answered, "Nah.. It's just..." She paused and inhaled, "I've never been into this place.. It seems so nice and calm." She continued.

He startled as his eyes widening, "What?! Really?" He shouted a bit too loud that he got the waitresses attention.

He then could clearly hear a cute soft giggle from her, "Yeah.. You should show me more of a place like this." She said with a genuine wide smile as the waitress delivered their drinks.

"Of course." He said sipping his hot chocolate as she nodded lightly. "Oh by the way, you were crying earlier, what happened?" He asked curiously.

She diverted her gaze to the window and remembered the thing that exactly made her sad - the kiss. Her eyes became a little teary again but fortunately it didn't fall, "What is love?" She answered with a question that just popped out her mind as he stopped sipping his drink, "Does it hurt?" She continued without glancing at him.

He remained silent with his eyes widened a little, 'What...? Is she by any chance hurt by someone because of love?'. "Sometime it does... But actually, love is wonderful." He said as he glanced at the window to see her reflection.

Her eyes widened, 'Wonderful?' She thought. "Really?" She said turning her head to face him.

"Yep! You just need to find the right person." He said getting up with the cup on his hand as her eyes following him.

'The right person?' She thought. Questions were flooding inside her head. Questions that she couldn't answer. But she quickly shook her head to let it fly away with her eyes still gazing at the standing tall friend in front of her.

"Now come on, there are tons of places you must see around here." He said stretching his hand to reach hers.

"But... I need to go back to school, the car might be waiting for me right now." She pouted then sighed.

"Tell your mom that you'll be home a little late. I'll take you home." He said smiling with his hand still stretched and she finally took and grabbed it. 

"Let's go!" She said as she stood up and grabbed her drink on her other hand. "But wait! Let me text my mom first." She said with a giggle.

The two of them then spent the time together. They went to some various shops. They got some look-a-like bracelets that often called as "couple bracelet". And they bought some snacks including lollipops which was her favorites and ice cream which was his favorites. They also went to an arcade which was her first time. She enjoyed every single second she spent with him. They both also went to a photo booth inside and he was always doing that duck-face looks which made her laughed her head off. But unfortunately the time felt like they were running so fast, so they had to go home already. They decided to take a bus which was also her first time.

After they found a seat inside the bus, she excitedly chooses the one near the window. 

He could only smile at her beautiful excited smile when she was looking out the window. She felt like she was free as a bird - no body guards, no maids. But then her smile faded away when she remembered that she was on the way back to her house which means she was going back to her royally life.

She then returned to her seating position and frowned, "Wow, you are one unpredictable girl. You were so excited back there at school, then you cried, then you couldn't stop from smiling and laughing like there's no tomorrow, and now you look so sad." He paused as a sigh escaped his lips, "What is it, turtle?" He asked with her new nickname that he gave earlier at the arcade.

Realizing that he just called her by that nickname again she snapped from her mind, "Yah! I'm not that slow! You're the one who was too fast!" She said in a high tone and stuck out her tongue at him as he giggled over her childish behavior. They two ended up laughing at each other.

'Hyunjee... I wish I could see you smiling happily like this every single day' He thought still looking at her cute smile as the bus came to their stop. 

As they both walked not too far from the bus stop, they finally arrived in front of her mansion gate. "Thank you so much for today!" She said turning her head to face him.

"Yeah today was really fun!" He said smiling at her.

"Let's do this again sometime!" She eye-smiled as suddenly her mom came out.

"Darling where were you?! I was worried." Her mom said with a frown and checked her if she's okay.

"Mom, I'm alright, okay." She said turning to her mom, "I told you that I'm going to be home a little late, didn't I?" 

"Yes, but did you check your phone afterwards?" She said.

"Umm..." She took out her phone from her bag and found "24 missed calls" from her mom and "14 unread messages" also from her mom. "Sorry mom...." She faked her laugh.

"Oh by the way, this is Myungsoo. You still remember him, right?" She said to her mom as Myungsoo bowed and formed a smile on his lips.

Her mom then turned her head to him, "Myungsoo?" She startled, "You've grown so tall! If I by any chance meet you somewhere, I wouldn't recognize you." She continued as they both laughed a little.

"How's your mom?" she asked.

"Oh, she's fine." He answered with a sweet smile of his.

"I hadn't meet her in years.. How about going to dinner together? Saturday?" She invited.

"Oh.. Okay, I'll go ask her." He said as she nodded, "Anyway, it's getting a little late, I should be home by now." He said changing the topic as he bowed.

"Oh okay, be careful." Her mom said as he started to leave.

"Be safe! See you tomorrow!" Hyunjee shouted and waved her hand as he turned around and also waved his hand at the girl.

As soon as he was out of sight, her mom glanced and gave her that teasing look along with the creepy smile. When she realized it she raised an eyebrow, "What?" She innocently asked.

"So, he's the one, right?" She asked as Hyunjee's eyes rounded.

"What? N-no!" She blushed a little and rushed to get inside leaving her mom.

"I knew it!" Her mom half yelled at her with a giggle following it.


As soon as Myungsoo arrived back home, he told his mom about the dinner and his mom was so happy to hear it. And then he went straight to his bedroom, changed his clothes and the next thing he know, he was already laying on the bed, thinking about her. Her questions about 'love' kept on popping on his thoughts, 'what is exactly going on? Why did she cried earlier? Could it be......... She was hurt because of love?' He thought as he closed his eyes, 'Who?'


'Today!' He inhaled then exhaled as he tidied his hair in front of the mirror.

"Yo, Kris!" Luhan who was in the bathroom with Sehun approached him.

Kris jumped a little when he saw the twins. He then cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment, "What are you guys doing here?" He unconsciously asked a useless question.

"We're about to borrow some books." Luhan innocently said as Kris raised an eyebrow.

"What else, Hyung?! We need to use the toilet, duhh." The younger one replied as the twins chuckled.

Kris gave them a serious strip face as he left the bathroom leaving the twins all alone. 

He could hear the bell rang along with some squeals from the fangirls but he also could see Hyunjee who was about to walk pass him. Hyunjee glanced up at him for a second without even smiling. She started to walk towards his direction while actually he already prepared his hand to wave at her but held it back when she unbelievably walked passed him without a single hi leaving her lips. 

'What's wrong with her? Did I do something wrong?' He thought glancing back at her as she left his sight.


The bell rang as soon as she sat on her chair. She felt a little guilty for not saying hi, even smiling at him would be enough. It was his right to kiss her, she thought. A sigh again left her lips. 

"What's wrong?" Myungsoo asked still busy preparing his books without even glancing at her.

She snapped out from her thoughts and turned her head to his direction, "Nothing." She said under her breath which was loud enough for him to hear.

He finished preparing his books then turned to her and looked closely to her face which made them just like about two inches away from each other’s faces, "It doesn't seem like it's nothing." He said as her eyes widened to his sudden action. 

He finally moved back and when he was about to say a word, the door swung open and the teacher came in. It was time for Math which Myungsoo was really good at.

She started with introducing herself and then asked them to do an exercise on their book after a few explanations about the subject.

He had no problems on doing the exercise but suddenly he heard a sigh coming from his seatmate. She seemed lost on the equation. He then asked her if there was anything he could help and he ended up helping her along with some jokes that made her laugh and smile. It was like every time she was feeling sad, he was always there to bring back her smile. They were getting very close.

School has ended, and Hyunjee needed to go back home straightaway. She was avoiding Kris throughout the day. 

She was on her way to the school lobby with Myungsoo when suddenly he remembered that he left something in the class. So he had to go back. She wanted to go with him but, however, if she went back, there will be a big opportunity to meet Kris, so she decided to go to the lobby alone.

She walked there while playing her phone so she didn’t look awkward. Then all of a sudden, she heard someone was calling her name from behind with a little pant. The voice was really familiar but it made her terrified. Instead of looking back, she fastened her pace so he couldn't catch up with her. But unfortunately he was fast enough to catch up with her. 

She could see clearly that Kris was blocking her way and panting heavily. She decided to walk back but failed because Kris grabbed her wrist. "Why are you avoiding me?" He asked as she shoved his hand away.

She remained silent and just looking to the ground until he broke the silence, "Did I do something wrong to you?" He said looking straight to her.

She finally spoke, "I'm sorry but I need to go home." She said trying to walk pass him.

Because the hallway was already filled by students and some fangirls, he couldn't catch up with her who already walked passed him. 'Seriously what's wrong with her?' He thought as he tried to get out from the crowd.


As Kris finally got home, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He kept thinking about what happened to her and what did he do wrong. Then he remembered about his accident with Hyerim. But then he thought it was impossible if she saw it because he saw no one was there during the accident.

He kept on calling her and sending her tons of messages without a single response. 


The next day, she woke up happily because it was Saturday which means no school. She then brushed her teeth and washed her face. Then she went downstairs to eat her breakfast. And as always, she was greeted by the angelic smile of her mom and dad. 

"Don't forget about the dinner okay, honey." Her mom said.

"Okay mom! But I want to leave earlier if that's ok.. What about we meet at the restaurant?" She asked for an approval.

"Where are you going?" Her mom asked worriedly.

"Somewhere. It's ok mom, I could take care of myself." She said as she finished her breakfast.

"Oh okay.. But be careful honey.." Her mom said as she nodded and left the dining room to get back to her room and took a shower.

After dressing up to a champagne-colored mid length dress with a cream knit sweater and paired it with a brown ankle heels boots and also a brown sling bag, she got into the car and told the chauffeur to drop her at school and wait for her there.

Actually she was planning to go to a park which she saw when Myungsoo and she went to the arcade. It looked so quiet and she needed it at that moment.

After she arrived at the park, she took her phone and snapped some photos. She then sat on one of the bench, took out her novel and started to read it while listening to a music. She felt so free. Yes, she felt so free just like a bird. She always wished for a thing like this. Being able to go anywhere you want by yourself without a body guard. 

An hour had passed and she felt thirsty. She planned to go to the coffee shop which was just across the park far and then after that back to the school. 

She then placed the book back to her bag and started to walk with the music still on. 

Her trip to the coffee shop is going to be the trip she will never forget. Ever.