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Fan Fiction > First Love

First Love

Author : farheey
Published : 31 Oct 2013, Updated : 23 Jun 2014
Cast : Lee Hyunjee (OC), Kris (EXO), Kim Myungsoo / L (Infinite), Hyerim (OC)
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
0 Subscribes |20514 Views |4 Loves
First Love
CHAPTER 6 : The "Accident"

Chapter 6

6. The “Accident”


On the next day at school, she arrived right on time. Not too early but not late either. She walked pass the main gate with her eyes scanning people around her to find her dearest senior, Kris. But no, she didn't find anything related to him. She unconsciously pouted at that moment.

But then she could feel a presence behind her, just when she was about to looked back, someone covered her eyes.

"Yah!" She startled as she felt the warmth from the hands. Judging by the size of the hand, he's a boy. Her hands were trying to peel off his hands, but it didn't make many changes. Well at least his grips were a bit loosened. Her hands ended resting on top of his.

"Who's this?" She asked in a bit of a nervous tone. But his hands seemed to be familiar to her. 

"Try to guess." The person said faking his voice into a deep voice. He bit his lower lip to hide his chuckle.

She was a little bit frightened by the unfamiliar voice, it sounded like a kidnapper's voice. But then she remembered these hands, the owner of these comforting hands has to be no other than her dearly blonde senior.

"Kris oppa?" She confidentially guessed as she heard a groan from the person that has been standing facing her back with a chuckle following it.

"How did you know?!" He asked as he retreat his hands.

She turned around to face him and let out soft giggles, "Your hands did the same to me yesterday. How could I forget?" She said with a grin and walked ahead leaving the dumbfounded senior.

He stepped ahead to catch up with her, "But I even faked my voice!" He said as they both entered the school building.

That made her giggled even more, "You sucked at it!" She said sticking her tongue out and laughed softly.

His inner smiled widely towards her cuteness but kept his cool outside. He let out a chuckle and ruffled her hair. 'Maybe today would be great for asking her out.' He thought.

He accompanied her to her class first. When she was about to open the door, a hand grabbed her wrist gently which made her looked up at him.

He was about to tell her to come to the park right after school with him, but all of a sudden a voice inside his head said that he has something a little more important to do than that, his unfinished math homework. He then asked for her phone number as they saved each other's number. Right after that, they parted.

Sitting on her chair, she was unconsciously smiling and propped up her chin with her hand and her elbow supporting the position. She hadn't realized that Myungsoo was staring at her all the time, "hey what's up? You seem so happy." He asked.

Her mind was still elsewhere so she didn't answer him. "Hey?" Myungsoo said after he got no response at all.

She smiled even wider with her occupied thoughts. She seemed like she was daydreaming. 

A little smirk formed on his lips, 'Daydreaming, huh? How cute' he thought still gazing her cute smile. 

The bell rang indicating the first period had started. Not long after that, an average tall female carrying some books and a pencil case came in. It looked like she was the teacher. Taking a deep breath, she then started to greet the class and introduced herself. She was the physics teacher.

Realized that Hyunjee was still inside her little world, Myungsoo nudged her lightly as she gathered up her mind, "Uh?" She said turning her head to face him with a blank expression.

"Really? You didn't even notice that the teacher is already here?" He said in disbelief and chuckled a little as her eyes rounded and quickly looked to the teacher desk and gasped.

'I was lost on my own mind that I didn't even notice the bell and the teacher' she thought positioning herself straight with her eyes still widened.

'How can I concentrate to the subject while she's being really cute?' Myungsoo calmly thought still gazing at her from the corner of his eyes.


School has just finished when the last bell rang through the speakers. The classroom was filled by the "yayy!", "woohoo!", "finally!" and any other happy expression because the school has just over. And on the same time, Hyunjee's phone buzzed.

'1 New Message'

'Huh? Who would actually message me in this kind of time?' She thought as she opened the message.

"Meet me at the park? ;)"

A big smile suddenly appeared on her face. Firstly, it was because she loves the park so much. Secondly, it was because she was actually going there with him - Kris. Other girls were probably dying for his attention, they'll probably explode if they receive a text like that.

'Better get going!' She thought getting up from her seat and prepared to leave.

"I'm on my wa-" she paused typing when suddenly her seatmate reached her arm, "Hey are you in a hurry? Wanna walk together?" Myungsoo said to her as she stopped.

"Umm," she said while thinking for an excuse, "I need to go to the bathroom." She said. In this case she actually wanted to go to the bathroom although she didn't really have to rush there, "See you guys tomorrow, bye~!" She said waving to her friends as they waved back.

Soon as she left the classroom, she realized that she didn't know where the bathroom was because she didn't join the school tour yesterday. A sigh escaped her lips, 'Guess I should be using my instinct now' she thought as she went down the hallway.


"You guys ready?" Hyerim said taking out her phone from her pocket.

"Yep!" Junghee said as Jiyeon nodded.

Hyerim started to do something with her phone. She searched someone from her contact list - of course it was Kris - and tapped the call button.

"Hello, Kris?" 

"Yes, what is it?" He answered with a deep voice of his.

"Umm I need to give you some documents that you asked last week. I'm on the ground floor near the staircase right now." She said. 

It was true that he needed the documents, so he should be taking it no matter what, "Okay, I'll be there, thanks." He said hanging up.

"He's on the way!" Hyerim shouted to her best friends as they both went upstairs.

Not long after that, she could finally saw him walking towards her, 'Get ready, Hyerim!' She said inside her mind.

She cleared her throat and gave him a smile, "Hey Kris!" said Hyerim.

"Oh hi." He simply replied.

"Sorry to make you come all the way here." She babbled with a giggle.

"Ah it's not a problem. So...?" He said indicating her to give him the documents straight away.

"Oh yeah," She said taking out the documents from her bag, "Here." She handed him the documents.

When suddenly, "JIYEON GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!!!" Junghee yelled running downstairs to chase Jiyeon.

Jiyeon who was running downstairs, glanced back at Junghee and smirked, "Catch me if you can!" She yelled back and accidentally hit Hyerim's back, "Oops sorry." She said and ran away.

"Oof!." Hyerim fell forward towards his direction as he stretched his arms in order to catch her and prevent them from falling but it was no use. They both eventually fell with Hyerim on top of Kris' body. Hyerim felt like the scene was on slow motion, she didn't want this moment to last.


"Bathroom.. Bathroom.. Where are you?" Hyunjee muttered to herself as she walked slowly passing a wall in which led her to the staircase. 

She then looked around to find a bathroom sign that soon she’ll regret. She found Hyerim and Kris. On her point of view, it looked like their lips touched, but it actually didn't. It felt like her heart just broken into pieces. She felt like her heart just stopped from beating. She couldn't describe her feelings. She never experienced this kind of feeling before. She felt a tear flowing down her cheek. She then quickly ran back to the hallway and stopped right in front of her class when Myungsoo blocked the way. Her eyes were still teary and Myungsoo could saw it clearly. 

"Why are you....crying?" He asked with a worried look.

She just sobbed in response without even glancing at him.

He nudged her lightly by her shoulders, "Look at me," he ordered as she looked up at him, "What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked while looking directly to her teary eyes.

"I... I-" she couldn't say a word properly and burst into tears even more.

He knew that she needed a shoulder to cry on. And he also knew that she couldn't explain what happened to her right now. So he pulled her into a hug - a really warm comfortable hug - as she buried her head on his chest. 

He stroked her hair to make her even more comfortable in his hug, "What about some coffee to cool you off?" He asked as she pulled out from his hug and nodded, “But it’s going to be your treat!” He joked as she giggled and hit him lightly on his chest although he could still hear some small sobs.

'Whoever did this to you... I swear....' He thought clenching his fist as they both left the school.


"I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry." Hyerim apologized as they both got up and she bowed few times.

"No no, it's okay. It's only an accident." He said brushing off the dust on his uniform.

"Yeah... Guess I'll be going now. Bye." She said preparing herself to leave.

"Yeah, thanks btw. Bye." He said as she waved her hand and walked away.

Junghee and Jiyeon were actually watching the whole scene from afar. And they also saw Hyunjee cried while watching the accident

Soon as Hyerim caught up with her friends, her face turned so happy, "Thanks guys! He was so warm back there." She said flashbacking their moments just then.

"Aha yeah anytime!" Jiyeon said.

"Btw, you know what? There was a girl I think her name is ummm... Hyunjee maybe? She cried when she saw you two!" Junghee said as Hyerim eyes widened and raised an eyebrow.

"What? Hyunjee?" Hyerim said. She tried to remember who she is as her best friends nodded.

'Hyunjee...? Hmm... OH!' She finally remembered. She remembered the other day when the freshmen were making sandwiches. She remembered when Kris was being super nice to her and pecked her wound. Oh how she hates to bring those memories, but she had to. Her smile turned into a smirk - an evil smirk. 'Perfect' she thought.


Hyunjee and Myungsoo were walking down the hallway towards the exit when suddenly she remembered that she needed to go to the bathroom earlier when she found a sign on her right, "Hey, I need to go to the bathroom first if you don't mind." She excused herself.

"Oh okay, I'll be waiting here." He said with a smile.

After she finished and walked towards the mirror to check herself, her phone rang. It was a call from Kris. She ignored it until ‘3 missed calls’ was on her screen. He was probably waiting at the park. The phone suddenly buzzed and it was a message from him.

"Are you coming? I'm already here :)

Her heart softened but when she remembered the reality where he and Hyerim kissed back there, hit her hard. Her eyes became teary again. She tried her best to prevent it from falling and it did. Even though he was now a jerk in her eyes, but she needed to inform him that she isn't coming.

"I'm sorry I need to go home right away."

She simply replied as she gathered her happiness and forced her lips to curve up. 'Just forget about him' a voice from her mind said as she stormed out the bathroom and left for coffee shop with Myungsoo.


'She isn't coming?' Kris thought with a small pout forming on his lips. 

He actually already set up a surprise and a rose for her. But remembering that she won't come, he put back the rose and lifelessly left the park.

'I thought today would be my lucky day' he thought as a sigh escaped his lips, ‘Maybe tomorrow’.