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Fan Fiction > First Love

First Love

Author : farheey
Published : 31 Oct 2013, Updated : 23 Jun 2014
Cast : Lee Hyunjee (OC), Kris (EXO), Kim Myungsoo / L (Infinite), Hyerim (OC)
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
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First Love
CHAPTER 4 : How To Make A Sandwich?

Chapter 4

4. How To Make a Sandwich?


As she got home, she was welcomed by maids who were lining up into a 'V' and bowed in sync and on the middle of them, stood a woman known as her mom, "Welcome, honey." She said with a warm smile.

"Hi mom!" She said while waving.

"How was your day?" She asked 

"Been really great!" She said as the both got inside, "Oh! And you won't believe this one!" She continued making her mom curious.

"What is it, honey?" 

"Guess what? Do you still remember Myungsoo? Your old friend's son?" She asked as they both sat on the big sofa.

"Oh! Yes yes, I remember! What about him?" 

"He's my classmate! And he’s also my seatmate." She stated in disbelief. 

"Really? That's amazing!" She said with a little gasp.

"I know right! And I also met many new friends there!" She said in a full of excitement.

"I'm glad you like your new school, honey." Her mother said while rubbing her hair, "Now go get change, honey. We're going out for dinner at 6."

"6? But it’s still 3 and a half," she said while checking her wrist watch

"Well... You might want to prepare yourself, honey." Her mom said as she giggled.


As she got inside her room, the first thing she did was taking off her school uniform jacket and taking a piece of paper - that was given from the council - out from her school bag. She read it and her eyes widened, 

The paper was written: 

1. 2-4 pieces of wheat bread

2. 2-3 slices of smoke beef/turkey/tuna (choose your favorite)

3. Tomato, lettuce, onion

4. 2-3 slices of cheese

5. Sauce (can be hot/tomato sauce or mayonnaise)

6. Knife

7. Cutting board

'I should bring all of these tomorrow?! Really?' She thought as a sigh left her lips.

'What on earth do the seniors wanted us to do?' She wondered while putting back the paper to her bed. She then took a shower and then went downstairs to get to the kitchen to check if she already has all the ingredients and equipment.

As she got there, the first thing she searched for was wheat breads, and thankfully she didn't have any problem on finding them. She quickly marked it by giving it a single stroke.

When she read the second list, she quickly ran into the refrigerator and opened it, 'hmmm smoke beef or tuna? They both are my favorites' she clipped her chin with both thumb and index finger, making a hard-decision look. She already found the smoke beef but couldn't find the tuna, 'smoke beef it is!' She finally decided and taking the smoke beef out from the refrigerator.

"Hmm third.... Is...." she said as she reached the paper from not far from where she was standing, "Tomato? Lettuce? Onion?" She read while raising an eyebrow.

'But I don't even know where the maids keep them' she thought as suddenly she felt a presence, "Is there anything I could help?" The voice said. Of course it was one of her maid.

She immediately turned around, "Uh well... Could you please help me with.. Umm.. Finding these things?" She embarrassedly said because she couldn't even find something that is located on her own house as she handed over the paper.

She took the paper and read it, "Oh, sure thing, Miss Lee." She said as she bowed a little. 

"Wait.. What did I tell you about formalities and that bowing stuff?" She said 

Hyunjee had told the maids before to just go easy on her like, don't talk to her with so much formalities and she also told them to lessen their bows. She didn't really like to be formal.

The maid chuckled a little while rubbing the back of her neck, "I'm sorry, I forgot." She said as Hyunjee giggled.

As they finally found everything on the list, the maid asked, "Umm are you going to make a sandwich at school?"

She scratched the back of her head, "Umm the seniors didn't say anything about that.. But.. Maybe?" She said. 

'Making a sandwich, huh? How hard could it be? Although I've never made one, but I eat it almost every day.' She thought, "Do you need the smoke beef to be cooked at home or...?" The maid said breaking the silence.

"Cooked here! I think...." She said looking a bit unsure.

"So I'll cook three of these for tomorrow morning?" The maid asked just to make sure.

"Yepp! Oh and btw.. Is it hard to make a sandwich?" She asked 

The maid smiled, "No, not at all! Do you want me to teach you?" She offered.

"Yes please!" She excitedly said

Just when the maid was about to start teaching her, her mom came into the kitchen, "Honey? I've been looking for you everywhere and I never thought you were here all along." She paused when she saw a lot of ingredients and some utensils "Are you going to make a sandwich?" She continued and raised an eyebrow.

They turned their gaze to look at each other until Hyunjee explained to her about it.

"Ooh.. So now you want to learn on how to make sandwich?" Her mom asked as she nodded.

"But we have to go right now.. You can deal with sandwich later, honey.. We don't want to get caught in the heavy traffic." She said.

"But..." She pouted 

"No buts, please. Now go get change." She assertively said as Hyunjee groaned a bit and went to her room to get changed.

They were out for dinner until about 10pm, so when they finally arrived back at home, Hyunjee immediately went to her room, change into her pajamas and prepared herself to sleep. She forgot about her 'sandwich lesson' because she was too tired.


Her phone alarm went on again, indicating Tuesday had started. She instantly grabbed her phone and dismissed it.

After she sat up straight on her bed, she remembered, 'wait... Is it Tuesday already?! I should be learning how to make a sandwich yesterday! Ugh, and now I don't have enough time to do it' She paused as a sigh left her lips, 'besides, how hard could it be to make a sandwich?' She thought as she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After she took a shower, she went downstairs to eat her breakfast as usual. 

"Good morning, honey." Her mom greeted her with a warm smile.

"Morning mom!" She replied

"Excited for your second day?" Her dad asked as the three of them went to the dining room and sat on a gigantic chair, facing a giant dining table just like in a vampire castle.

"Very!" She answered as she sipped a glass full of hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows on top of it.

After having a little chit chat with her parents and ate her breakfast she quickly went to the front door and found a maid, bodyguards and Mercedes were waiting for her.

"Morning, Miss Lee!" The maid greeted her as they all bowed a bit.

"Morning!" Hyunjee greeted back.

"All of the ingredients and utensils are already packed up in a paper bag inside the car." The maid said with a smile.

"Thank you!" She said as she rushed into the car.


As she entered the classroom, she found Myungsoo, Woori and Sungjong were already there, having a chat with them.

"Hi guys!" Hyunjee greeted with an adorable smile as the three of them waved at her.

"Hey!!" Woori greeted back, "btw, did you bring all the equipments?" She asked.

"Yepp!" She said as she lifted the paper bag to their friends so they could see it.

"What do you think we're going to make?" Sungjong asked innocently.

"Sandwich, duhh." Myungsoo answered.

'Oh that reminds me..... I've never made one before.' Hyunjee thought.

Not long, the bell rang indicating the first period has started and every class' tutor should be in their junior’s class. The class turned from a concert crowd into a library silence when Hyerim opened the door with..... Kris and Tao following her. 'Wait... Where's Kai oppa?' Hyunjee thought as the whole class might be wondering about as well.

Hyerim cleared her throat and said, "Morning class!" 

"Mei-mei, you sounded like a teacher!" Tao shouted as the whole class was about to burst out laughing at Tao's innocent.

He received a glare from her and quickly looked the other way as Kris took over the announcement, "You guys must be wondering about Kai? And why am I and Tao are here, right?" He asked as the whole class nodded.

"Kai got injured from his dance competition yesterday so he's absent today and maybe tomorrow. Nothing serious, just his ankle." He said as the whole class was getting worried.

"So, Kris and Tao are here to sub him." She announced, "Although Kris was actually the only one who has to sub him." She muttered which still could be heard by Tao who was standing next to her as he pouted.


The second bell had rang, indicating the lunch break. Before all the students could get out the class to get to the cafeteria, Kris clapped, "Wait! You're not going to the cafeteria right now! Today you guys have to make your own lunch!" He said as the class filled with groans.

'Yep... All I know about sandwich is... It's delicious.' Hyunjee thought desperately.

"Each of you will have to make 1 or 2 sandwiches, it's up to you!" Hyerim clarified.

"But if you want to make an extra for me, it will be very welcomed!" Tao selfishly added as he received glares from the two older friends.

"I meant us." Tao added again after the glares.

"But you guys won't do it here, inside the class. We're going to... Umm.." Kris paused finding a right word to say, "How to say it?" He muttered.

"Another room!" Tao shouted.

"Yeah whatever it is. Let’s go! And don't forget to bring your things!" Kris said waving them over and led the way.

As they all got there, the seniors began to call their names to arrange their sitting position. Each seat stands alone. And luckily, Hyunjee got to sit not far from Woori. But Hyunjee was again positioned in the front.

"Now let’s get started!" Kris shouted.

"Don't forget to make an extra for us!" Tao added.

"Only if you want to." Hyerim added as Tao gave her a pout.


Hyunjee and the rest of the students began to take out the ingredients and also the utensils, 'first...? I don't know what to do, umm... Bread? Maybe' She took out the cutting board and the breads on top of it. 

'What else? Hmmm, smoke beef!' She took out a food container full of smoke beef and so on. She just followed her instinct and hoped for the best.

While cutting the bread into half, Kris and Tao approached her, "You don't mind if you make an extra for me, do you?" Tao asked with a wide smile on his face.

"Hmmm... But I'm not sure if it'll taste good." She unconfidently answered.

"I'm sure it'll taste good!" Kris said

"But... You don't understand..." She said as she stopped cutting the bread, "I've never made one before..." She said with her trembling voice.

"Really??" Tao shocked as she nodded.

"It's okay! I'll help you." Kris offered.

"Really? Thanks, oppa!" She thanked happily.

"But I'm just commanding you, okay?" He said

"It's okay, oppa! Thank you so much!" She said with a cute smile of her.

"After done cutting the bread into two, cut the smoke beef into two too." He commanded as she nodded and started to cut the smoke beef.

He smirked a little when he saw her having a hard time on cutting the smoke beefs, 'a girl who can't even cut a smoke beef, how cute!' He thought as he smiled at her.

Done, she wiped her sweat on her forehead with her sleeve, "Now cut the onions, tomatoes and lettuce!" He said.

"Aye aye, captain!" She said.

She started to slice the tomato into half first and then she sliced the inner side into 3 slices. But when she sliced the onion, she got a finger cut. "Ouch!" She said as she dropped the knife and fortunately landed on the cutting board, not her feet.

Kris immediately held her hand and checked her cut, "Are you okay?" He asked.

She bit her lip in pain, "Uh yeah.. It's okay." She said lying as the blood flowed out from the wound.

Kris quickly checked the teacher's desk and found the first aid. He went to her desk again to treat her cut.

"There~" he finished with a sterile bandage.

"Tha-" she stopped.

Kris pecked her wound, "There there.. It's going to be okay!" He said as Hyunjee froze, bloods were rushing to her cheeks making a bright shade of pink.

"T-thank you so much, Kris oppa!" She said with a smile and was still blushing.

She then continued to make the sandwich and finally finished with three sandwiches on top of the cutting board, "Tadaa~" she said proudly because it was her first time.

"Yay!! Can I have some?" Tao suddenly shouted from afar as Kris face palmed his forehead.

"No Tao, she made it for me." Kris said as he pouted.

"Meanie!" Tao said crossing his arms while pouting like a kid.

Hyunjee couldn't help but giggled, " I made it for the two of you!" She kindly said.

"Yayy!" Tao said grabbing one of the sandwiches as he stuck out his tongue at Kris.

Kris ignored Tao, "but then you only eat one?" Kris asked as she nodded cutely.

"Is it okay?" Kris asked again

"Not a problem! But I'm really sorry if it doesn't taste any good." She looked down.

"I'm sure it tastes good!" Kris said as he rubbed the back of her hair.

Tao then cleared his throat, "umm so, can I eat this?" He asked as she nodded with a smile.

"Thanks!" He said with a wide smile as he stuffed the sandwich into his mouth and bit it.

"You're welcome! How is it...?" She nervously asked.

Tao closed his eyes, let it swallowed first and took a deep breath, "DELICIOUS!" Tao yelled.

Hyunjee was really happy about Tao's reaction towards the sandwich. Kris finally took one and ate it, "Hmm it's really good!" He said.

"Really??" She said in disbelief and began to take one, 'it's not as bad as I thought!' She thought in relief.


From afar, Hyerim was watching them. Every single move they made, especially Kris. It was like her heart just got stabbed with a sword hundreds time when he pecked her wound and rubbed the back of her hair. She liked him a lot since like a year ago, but she didn't have a guts to ask him out because she was afraid of a rejection and they barely talk to each other. She entered the student council just because of him. Just because she wanted to get closer to him.
