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Fan Fiction > First Love

First Love

Author : farheey
Published : 31 Oct 2013, Updated : 23 Jun 2014
Cast : Lee Hyunjee (OC), Kris (EXO), Kim Myungsoo / L (Infinite), Hyerim (OC)
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
0 Subscribes |20514 Views |4 Loves
First Love
CHAPTER 3 : Old Friend

Chapter 3

3. Old Friend

"Don't you remember me?" He asked feeling a little sad because he was being forgotten, "I'm Myungsoo, remember?" He continued trying to bring up her old hidden memory.


"Mom, where are we going to?" Little Hyunjee asked as the car came to a stop.

"To mommy's old friend's house, darling," she answered with an eye smile.

"Why do I have to come with you, mommy?" She asked again with an innocent look.

"She has a son which maybe you could play with while I bring back my old memories with her," she said while running her fingers through her daughter's hair with a smile on her face.

"Yay!" The 6 year old Hyunjee shouted excitedly.

They both then got out from the car and knocked the front door as someone came out, "Oh my god!" Said the woman as they both hugged.

Just when they pulled out from the hug, the women caught Hyunjee's gaze, "And this must be your daughter, right?" She said as she kneeled down to see directly to Hyunjee's round little eyes and pinch her cheeks softly, "What's your name, cutie?" She continued

"Hyunjee, imnida," she answered with her cute deadly smile.

"Aww," she gave a melted expression towards hyunjee's cuteness, "By the way, come on in!" She continued as she opened the front door wider and let them in.

As they got inside, the women quickly called his son to come over. A really cute chubby little boy finally showed up, "come here, boy," she waved him over, "this is my son, Myungsoo," she wrapped her arm around his shoulder as the little Myungsoo bowed and gave them his cute little smile.

"Oh hi there, Myungsoo." Said Hyunjee's mom with her eye smile as he only smiled back.

"Why don't you invite Hyunjee to play with you, sweetie?" Said Myungsoo's mom as he nodded.

"Come here!" Myungsoo said to Hyunjee as he led the way to his playroom. "Hyunjee, right?" he asked as he opened the door.

"Yes. And you? Myungsoo right?" She asked back with a smile.

"Yes, Kim Myungsoo! Btw, let's watch something," he said as she only nodded.

-End of flashback-

Hyunjee was in blank, trying to bring back her hidden memory as she suddenly remembered and quickly mouthed an 'O' and gasped, "Kim Myungsoo, right?" She pointed a finger at him as if he just did something horrible.

"Yes yes! Ahh finally you remembered." He said in a relief.

"Yes! Oh how can I possibly forget that amazingly fun day! And btw, it's really cool that we're now a seatmate!" She said in disbelief.

He chuckled a little, "Yeah! Anyway, how are you?" He asked.

"Never been better! How about you? Oh, and how's your mother?" She asked back

"We both doing fine," he said as he gave her a genuine smile.

Hyunjee used to be so shy, but since that day where she gets to know and play along with him, she became more less-shy in talking with boys.

Hyunjee has just realized that Woori was actually sat right behind her when she patted her shoulder a few times. Hyunjee immediately turned her head around, "Oh my!! Woori!" She said in a bit shocked but in a low tone to avoid getting everyone's attention.

Woori was about to say something when suddenly she got interrupted by a loud clap from Hyerim, indicating that she was about to give them an announcement as Hyunjee returned to her position, "You guys already have the ID card that was given on the acceptance announcement the other day right?" She asked as the freshmen were only nodding.

"Okay, we need to check on it. So, prepare it on of your desk, please." Kai continued as Hyerim started to walk towards Myungsoo's seat which was placed on the front right corner of the class near the door. 

"Noona.." Kai called her as she stopped.

She turned around, “What now?”

Kai then walked over her and whispered, "Could you please check on the other side, noona? Please..." He gave her a cute puppy eye look with his hands clasped on his chest, giving her the cutest look he could pull.

She groaned a bit and asked, "Why?"

He quickly pointed out the "problem". It was actually just a punk looking guy which seated on the other side. 

"Really? You're afraid of him? Really?" She asked in disbelief as he continued to pull out his cute look, "Oh alright." Hyerim said as she walked to the other way of the class.


'Where did i put it? I'm sure I put it here this morning!' Hyunjee was in panic when she checked her pocket and found nothing. She also checked her bag and got nothing, "Oh my gosh." She said under her breath which got Myungsoo's attention.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked tilting his head to look at her.

"Umm, my card!" She answered still busy checking her bag.

Before Myungsoo could help her searching for her card, suddenly Kai approached Myungsoo and picked his card up, "Kim Myungsoo," he read while scratching the back of his head, "You remind me of someone....." He continued while humming and made a 'thinking' look.

Myungsoo lifted an eyebrow, "Huh? What?"

"Wait wait wait! I am trying to remember!" He said half yelling 

'Really? I thought this guy was more of the serious one' Myungsoo thought while making a strip-face look.

"Ummm.. Hmm.. Nope, can't remember it." He finally said as Myungsoo face palmed.

Just a reminder: Kai is more of a funny and humorous guy. He doesn't really like to be a serious guy. He is also a sexy beast which didn't suit his side character at all.

"Umm okay then." He put it back on its place and moved on from his table to Hyunjee's, "Where's your card?" Kai asked as she panicked.

"Umm... I.. Los-" just when she was about to say about her card, the door swung opened and two guys came inside the class.

"Ge, you shouldn't have to rush all the way here." A person known as Tao said as he bent down while cupping his knees, fatigued, because he has been following Kris who was rushing there from the field.

"I'm in a hurry." Kris answered as Kai turned his head to face his two best friends.

"Hyung!!" Kai was about to hug him but he received a glare from his hyung instead which made him stop.

Kris then scanned the classroom trying to find someone.

Hyunjee widened her eyes and questions began to pop out her mind, 'Is he class D's mentor too? What is he doing here? Who is he searching?' She wondered.

His eyes finally stopped at Hyunjee's, "Oh there you are!" He said.

'What....?!' She lifted an eyebrow, "Uh? What is it, oppa?"

"I believe this is yours, Hyunjee." He handed her the card - which she thought she had lost - with a smile.

She took the card and looked closely to it, "Uh yes it is..." She then looked up at him with a bright smile and said, "Thank you so much, oppa! I thought I had lost it." She giggled a little.

"Heroes are always late, huh?" Kai said interrupting them with a chuckle as he received the second glare from no other than Kris.

Kris then returned his gaze to her while rubbing the back of his neck, "Yeah I found it lying on the ground at the main gate where we-" he stopped trying to figure out a right word to say, "met." He finished with a smile.

"Ge, I was the one who picked it up!" Tao said interrupted them.

Before Tao could receive a glare from Kris, Hyunjee thanked them again with a bow and of course a smile that no guy could resist.

"Anytime!" Tao said as Kris was only nodding.

The first bell rang, indicating lunch time. Students were rushing to get to the canteen and hallway was in crowd. Hyunjee and Myungsoo were still inside the class, so was Woori and her seatmate.

"Hey Hyunjee!" Woori shouted from her seat which was right behind Hyunjee as she turned to her, "Hmm?"

"Hyunjee, this is my new friend, Sungjong! Sungjong, this is my friend, Hyunee!" Woori said introducing them as they bowed and shook their hands while saying their names.

"Oh! And this is my new seatmate who is also my old friend," She poked Myungsoo as he turned his sitting position as well, "Myungsoo! Myungsoo, this is my friends, Woori and Sungjong!" She continued as they shook hands and introducing themselves.

"Wait.... you are-" Sungjong suddenly remembered something about Myungsoo, "Team A’s captain, right?” he asked as Myungsoo’s eyes widened.

“How do you know?” he asked back as he remembered something about Sungjong too, “Team C!” he pointed a finger at him as he did the same.

“Ugh, I nearly won it!” said Sungjong

Myungsoo chuckled a little, “Just forget about it okay. It was just a game, anyway. What about we join basketball club here?” he offered.

“Sounds good!”

They two were talking about their basketball teams’ match on their previous schools basketball league, which team A – Myungsoo’s team - won.

They four were getting really close just like they already been friends for years.


So let me get this straight for their grades in case you guys are confused._.

Student council or known well as OSIS consist of 11th and 12th grades.

Kris and Hyerim: 12th grade

Kai and Tao: 11th grade

And that’s why Kai called Kris with ‘hyung’ while Tao called him with ‘Gege’ or ‘ge’ (Gege means older brother in Chinese).

And Kai also called Hyerim “Noona”.