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Fan Fiction > How I Met You

How I Met You

Author : Vyn_Lie
Published : 04 Jul 2014, Updated : 11 Jul 2014
Cast : lee sungyeol
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
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How I Met You
CHAPTER 4 : First Impression

"Oppa, I think I have to meet this man, Lee Sungyeol."

Bomi's words make Sunggyu widened his eyes.

"Are you sure, Bomi?"

"Of course, I couldn't let Myungchan sad. He deserves to be happy and the only one who could give him that happiness is Lee Sungyeol. And as Myungchan’s teacher, this is my full responsibility to talk to him." Bomi said confidently. Sunggyu stroked his chin, deeply in thought before finally answers.

"Okay, if that what you want. After class was ended, I'll take you to meet Sungyeol. He usually came home at five." Sunggyu decided.

"Okay, see you then."

A loud ring finishing their conversation. After bid a goodbye, Bomi then back to her class. The students were already sat on their seat waiting for the class to start.. Bomi smiles widely and walks into the class.

"Good morning everyone. Ready for the class?" Bomi greeted them cheerfully.

"Good morning, seongsangnim. We're ready." the students answer in union.

"Good. Class, I have checked on your love letters and I'm so happy that all of you can make such a beautiful creatures. So I decided to give you some present. Tadaaah..." Bomi showed out a bunch of chocolate candies and some cute teddy bear keychains. She purposely prepared it for lighten up her students. The little students look really excited. Bomi chuckled at the cuteness before her.


"I'll give these candies and cute Mr. Teddy but be a good kid and stay at your place. Arrasso?"

"Nee... Seongsangnim." the kids said in union. Bomi smiled at the answer as she walks around the class.

Bomi winks cutely at Myungchan when she approaching his seat, making the little Myungchan blushed slightly.

"Here for you, my prince."

After all the candies and Mr. Teddy were distributed, Bomi back to her table then he announces another surprise.

"And like I said before, I will give a special present for the one with the most creative and beautiful love letter. And the lucky one could play all day in the Lotte World." Bomi crooked smile as she showed out the tickets to the children.



"Yeeyyy..." The kids raise their hands in joyful.

"But, whoever will get the present don't be so cocky and whoever doesn't get it, don't be sad. Promise me?" Bomi asked and looks at her student one by one.

"Promise, seongsangnim."

Bomi smiles widely at the answer. "Good. Now, I will announce who is the winner. And the winner is... Lee Myungchan." Bomi cheered, clasping her hands together. Clapping was heard a moment later. Bomi turned his gaze to Myungchan who was frozing at his place with slightly open mouth.

"Hey, Myungchan, don't you want to come here and take your present?" Bomi's voice take him back to reality. He giggled happily then walks in front of the class to take his present.

"Here your tickets, Myungchan. I've seen your picture and letter. I give these tickets for you and your daddy so you can spend a whole time with your daddy. Excited?"

But instead excited, Myungchan's smile suddenly vanished as the mention of his father.

"Waeo, Myungchannie?" Bomi asked him gently.

"I don't want it, seongsangnim." he handed back the tickets to Bomi. Before he could ask Myungchan again, a kid's voice interrupted them from behind.

"Seongsangnim, Myungchan don't have a father. He is a liar. His father never come to see Myungchan at school."

Myungchan turns his head and give that child a very dead glare.

"Hey, don't say like that, Ryu. It's rude and seongsangnim doesn't like rude kid." Bomi said sternly but still sound soft. "Apologize, Ryu."

"But, it was true, seongsangnim. Myungchan doesn't have father." Ryu said again loudly.

When Bomi was about to say something, without her realize, suddenly Myungchan walked towards Ryu and smacks his head hard, making Ryu cried out loud. Bomi quickly ran over to him.

"Lee Myungchan, that's totally not a good boy. Apologize now." Bomi said firmly to Myungchan who still standing there with angry glare.

"I don't want to. He is the one who was bad to me." Myungchan complained.

"I know but you can hit people whenever you don't like them." Bomi answered as she rocked Ryu in her arms. Jiae quietly walks over to them and handed Ryu a tissue.

"Thank you, Jiae." Bomi whispered to her, still rubbing soothing circles on Ryu's back. His cries quickly subsided to sniffles, and then sniffles just became tear wiping.

"Ryu, you too, don't be like that. You can't said bad thing about another people. If you still like that, seongsangnim wouldn't give you any present anymore. Arasso?" Bomi said to Ryu who was wiping his tears and nods slowly. "Now, apologize to Myungchan."

Ryu lifted his head slowly as he held out his hand towards Myungchan. But Myungchan just run out of the class.

"Ya, Lee Myungchan." Bomi yelled as she got up.

"Kids, just stay here. I'll be back soon. Be good. Okay?"

"Neee... Seongsangnim."


With that Bomi run out the class for chasing the little trouble maker. But he was so fast. In any seconds, he was nowhere to be found.

"Aizz, where's him?" Bomi muttered to herself.

"Bomi seongsangnim, what happen?" a soft voice was heard from behind. Bomi turned around just to see Tiffany standing behind her.

"Ah, it's so nice to see you, Ms. Tiffany. Did you see Myungchan? He was running out from my class and I don't have any clue where he's right now." Bomi said anxiously.

"I didn't see him." Tiffany answered calmly.

"It's okay. I'm going to find him by myself. But Tiffany seongsangnim, would you please help me to handle my class. I have to find Myungchan right now."

"Okay, don't worry. I'll handle them for you. Now, just find Myungchan. Okay?" Tiffany convinced her with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Tiffany seongsangnim." Bomi said before rushes away.

After a while looking for Myungchan, finally Bomi saw him at the play ground. He was sitting alone at the swinging with his head down.

"There you are, my little c ute trouble maker." Bomi chuckled then approaching Myungchan and sit on the swinging next to him.

"Hey,little prince. Don't you know how panic I was when you're suddenly run away like that. Gezzz, you're so fast. I'm too old to play hide and seek." Bomi groaned. Didn't realize of Bomi's appearance, Myungchan gasped a bit and lifted his head revealing his red eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying, baby? Did you feel hurt or something?" Bomi started to panic as she scanned Myungchan's body to find any cut or wound. But without words suddenly Myungchan run into her and hugs her tightly.

"Hey, don't cry baby. Your tears broke my heart." Bomi said sadly, hugging him back and stroked his hair lovingly.

"I'm not a liar, seongsangnim. Why daddy doesn't love me. Why’s daddy never take me to school like the other daddy? Why, seongsangnim?" Myungchan cried his eyes out.

"Daddy won't take me to play so I don't need that present, seongsangnim. I just need daddy to love me." he sniffed.

Bomi's heart sank when she saw Myungchan crying.

'Aizz, damn that arrogant jerk, how could he made an innocent kid like Myungchan sad. I really need to talk with him.' Bomi scolded inside her.

"Shh... Don't cry, baby. I trust you. You're a good boy and a good boy wouldn't lie. Daddy loves you too. Maybe daddy just too busy so he doesn't have much time for you." Bomi coaxed him.

"Daddy used to say that but why other parents have time and daddy doesn't. They are busy too but they still have time for their kids." Myungchan complained as his cries getting louder. Bomi's heart feel like tearing into pieces to see him like that.

"Um, how if we make a bet?" Bomi suddenly said, making the crying Myungchan released the hug and looked at Bomi with his red puffy eyes.

"If I can make your daddy come and play with you all day, you have to promise me that you'll learn to be a good boy." Bomi said , wipping Myungchan's tears.

"How can you so sure about that?" Myungchan tilted his head.

"Um, I don't know. Just feeling. But my feeling is never wrong you know. Do you want to make a bet with me?" Bomi smiled at him. Myungchan still doubted her.

"Ya, just let me try once, give me face as a teacher." Bomi cried childishly. Myungchan chuckled at Bomi's childishness.

"You're more childish than me, seongsangnim." Myungchan giggled, showing his cute bunny teeth.

"Hey, mind your manner, young man. I'm your teacher." Bomi pouted as she crossed his arm over her chest. "So, are you in?"

Myungchan silent for a while then nodded. Bomi smiled widely.

"Good boy. Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear."


"Hyung, why did you agree her without asking me first? And why on earth Myungchan's teacher suddenly want to meet me?" Sungyeol nagged. He always avoiding all about Myungchan's school stuff. After all, nor the teacher or the principal have any nerve to meet him personally and talk about Myungchan. Even though he knew so clearly about Myungchan's behavior at school from Sunggyu. But he doesn't have time or for exact doesn't care about that. His duty is to take care of Myungchan until the time. But it doesn't mean he has to know all of Myungchan's business. And now, why suddenly someone who took place as his teacher want to talk with him. This person must be very new and definitely doesn't know who exactly Sungyeol is.

"Sungyeol-ah, I can't do anything. He is Myungchan's teacher after all. I think he has rights to know all about Myungchan. Just meet him. He is a very nice teacher. I bet you will like him in an instant." Sunggyu said across the line.

'Like him? Never. He must be an annoying and noisy old man.'

"I don't think so, Hyung. Maybe he just as annoying as Myungchan." Sungyeol said uninterestedly.

"Ya, don't be like that. Remember, Myungchan is still under your concern, no matter what. You couldn't be just don't care like that. Please, I hope you want to meet him. Just once. Okay?"

"Arasso, arasso, Hyung. You don't need to remind me again and again. I'll meet him. But let me make it clear, just this time. I've trusted Myungchan to you, Hyung. So I think that's your responsibility to take care all about him."

"Okay, I promise. Just for this time. I won't bother you about Myungchan anymore. So, it's mean that you agreed to meet Bomi?" Sunggyu confirmed.

'Bomi? So that annoying old woman named Bomi. But why Sunggyu Hyung sounded like he was knew her well. Ah, whatever.'

"Fine. If what that you want, Hyung." Sungyeol finally answered uncaringly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lee Sungyeol. I love you so so much."

"Don't make me puke, you greasy Hamster."

"YAA... Chugule??" that's the last words Sungyeol heard before hung up the phone. Sungyeol chuckled himself. It always worked to make Sunggyu exploded in angry whenever Sungyeol teased him like that. But then his chuckle vanished when his mind back to Myungchan's teacher.

"Bomi. Let's see what are you gonna do to me?"


“Seongsangnim, are you sure want to meet daddy?” This is the umpteenth time Myungchan asked Bomi on their way to Sungyeol’s house. Bomi just chuckled slightly.

“Ne, my little prince. How many times that I need to answer to make sure you? We have made a bet, didn’t we?” Bomi answered as she stroked Myungchan’s hair gently.

“What bet, Yeol?” the curious Sunggyu asked behind the steer.

“Myungchan have won the free tickets to the Lotte World and I’ve promised Myungchan that I can make Mr. Lee to take Myungchan to the Lotte World.”

Sunggyu raised his brow. “Are you sure you can do it?”

“Um, actually not. But I can try it.” Bomi answered calmly as he looked at Myungchan.

Sunggyu was only remained silent. He knew for sure that Sungyeol wouldn’t agree to do that. Bomi doesn’t know Sungyeol. He could be more stubborn than he has actually been. But Sunggyu know, if he tell Bomi now, it just break Myungchan’s heart. So he can’t do that. Deep in his heart, he really wish that Bomi could make Sungyeol change his mind.

A moment later, they have arrived at Sungyeol’s residence. Bomi stood outside the front door of Sungyeol’s house with an awe. The house, a big luxurious mansion, with a quite big swimming pool beside the house.

“Welcome at Lee Sungyeol’s residence, Bomi. Come, I’ll take you to the living room.” Sunggyu’s voice take Bomi back to reality.

“No, seongsangnim, will you play with me at my room? I’ll show you my toys collection.” Myungchan said as he tugged Bomi’s shirt. Bomi smiled at his cuteness.

“Owh, really? You don’t mind to show them to me?”

“Of course, you’re my friend so I’ll show you what I have.” Myungchan grinned.

“Okay, I would gladly accept your ofer then.” Bomi winked at him then turned around to Sunggyu. “Do you mind if I wait in Myungchan’s room. Furthermore, it still four o’clock so there’s still an hour until Mr. Lee arrive.”

“Of course, make yourself comfortable, Yeol. I’ll tell you if Sungyeol come home. I’ll make you two some drinks and cookies. Okay?”

“Thank you, hyung. Come on, Myung.” Bomi said as she held out his hand. Myungchan smiled widely as he reached Bomi’s hand.

Sunggyu watched as they made their way toward Myungchan’s room hand in hand. Sunggyu smiled silently. This is the first time Myungchan was welcoming the new comer. He never saw him this happy before. Maybe Bomi really gave a good effect for him. And his another hope is that Bomi could change Sungyeol as well as he changed Myungchan.


Sungyeol rubbed his temples as he listened to the man on his headset on the way to his home. "I don't think I can make the meeting."

"What? Are you sure? Why not-it's pretty important, Yeol."

"I don't have time to do so." He smiled slightly, "Besides, I don't think it will go over too well with the soon-to-be misses, if you know what I mean."

"Ah, this must be about your adopted son. Did the judges didn’t allow you to go abroad? I understand completely, but won't he let you attend the meeting with Mr. Smith in Los Angeles if you tell him you need to be there?"

"I’ve told him but thing is not as easy as you think. But I’ll make sure it later. I still have a week to make sure of it. Hopefully, the judge will understand. And if he doesn’t, I will call my assistant, Eunji to attend that meeting, Hoya.”

"Eunji? Who's she?"

"My new coworker. Even she was new but she's as talented as you, Hoya."

“Oh, really, so she must be smart enough to impress such a perfectionist man like you, Yeol. Just make sure it quickly coz you don’t know how hard I was trying to convince Mr. Smith about this tender. You just need to handle your little blocker in Korea.”

"Okay, I promise you I’ll take care of my problem here and give you the decision as soon as possible. I have to leave now. A client was waiting for me.”

“Oh, okay, I look forward to hear the confirmation soon. Okay? Have a good day."

"You too," he replied, hanging  up the phone as his car was driving straight to his house. Hoya is one of his bestfriend and partner. They had been knowing each other about seven years. Like Sunggyu, Hoya is one of his dependable partner and bestfriend. He often take him to join the important project and LA project is one of them.

“Time to see first blocker.”

Sungyeol parked his black roll-royce as he stepped out. He glanced at the yellow ferarri on his right sight. It’s mean that Myungchan and Sunggyu are already at home. And it also means that Myungchan’s teacher was already waiting for him. He sighed deeply as he pulled out his briefcase from the car and makes his way into the house. He scanned the living room to find any signs of the guest that Sunggyu has told him. But no one there. He put his briefcase on the leather couch as he heard someone called him.

“Ah, Sungyeol-ah, you has come. How’s your day?” Sunggyu greeted him with a tray of food on his hand.

“Quite good if  someone didn’t ruin it by telling me that Myungchan’s teacher want to meet me.” Sungyeol said coldly.

“Are you still mad at me? We have made a deal, didn’t we?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Hyung. Just tell me where’s she? I want to make it quick so she would leave here quckier.”

“Bomi was playing in Myungchan’s room. I was prepared their meals."

Sungyeol raised his brow.

"Play? What do you mean by 'play'? Maybe the right word is bully."

"No, you're wrong, Sungyeol-ah, just follow me and you'll surprise for what you've seen." Sunggyu smiled as he motioned Sungyeol to follow him.

This time Sungyeol didn't argue back, he just obediently following Sunggyu.

"...And they lived happily ever after." Bomi finished, closing the fairy tale book. Bomi glanced at Myungchan's tiny face. They were huddled up together in Myungchan's single size batman bed with Bomi's slim arm wraps around Myungchan's little body, and Myungchan was puffing up his chest probably pretending to be a knight in shinning armor. Bomi laughed quietly to herself, smiling.

"Seongsangnim."  Myungchan's tiny voice called, "How did Sleeping Beauty sleep so long?" he asked Bomi, his eyes wide.

"Magic." Bomi whispered, mysteriously.

"Oooh! Do you believe in magic, seongsangnim?" he questioned again, his deep dark brown eyes sparkling. Bomi was quite for a while, busy with her own thought.

'I thought that over, did I? After going through all the tough times in life, did I still believe in magic?'

"I don't know." Bomi answered honestly.

"How do you not know?" Myungchan asked again curiously.

"It's just that, once you get older things don't seem as magical as they used to be. You learn many things are just stories and things can't always be fixed with a magical wand." Bomi told him.

"Like what?" the smart Myungchan asked again getting more curious, Bomi stared at his 'innocent' smirk. Myungchan propped his knees under him and leaned closer. "I pinky swear I won't tell!" He held out his pinky for prove. Bomi laughed. No way was Bomi going to tell him all the problems in her life. Bomi pushed his pinky back down.

"No way, Myungchan-ah!" Bomi mocked.

"Pretty pleaseeee?" Myungchan begged childishly.

Less they know, Sunggyu and Sungyeol were paying attention at their friendly conversation through a crack on the door.

Sungyeol took a moment for himself. He stood outside the room next to Sunggyu, taking it all in. His eyes were glued on the angel in Myungchan's room. The woman that he imagined as an old annoying  woman was looked so young and... beautiful. Her slim figure, her gummy smile, her middle lenght hair, and her voice was turned Sungyeol's world by now. He wasn't felt like that for such a long time. Not even with Nabin or anyone. And the other thing that make Sungyeol speechless is seeing Myungchan clung childishly at Bomi.

"See, they were already become friends. And to my surprise , Myungchan have accepted Bomi just in short time."

Sungyeol kept silent with his eyes still focusing on the scene before him. Hearing no response, Sunggyu turned to Sungyeol who even didn't blink.

"Hey, Yeol. Are you listen to me?" Sunggyu nudged him, taking him back to his sense.

"So, she's Bomi, Myungchan's new teacher that you was talking about?" Sungyeol asked, his eyes still don't leave the woman.

"Ne, she's a nice young girl. Not only Myungchan, I've already liked her from the first time. And I bet you'll like her too, Yeol." Sunggyu smiled at him but Sungyeol didn't budged a bit.

"Ya, Lee Sungyeol. Do you hear me?" Sunggyu raised his voice feel a bit annoyed.

"I.. I heard you, Hyung." he stuttered.

"What happen to you? It's not like you to be nervous like that. Don't say that you're falling in love at the first sight with her." Sunggyu teased him.

"I.. I'm okay, just tell him to meet me at my room."

"Your bedroom?" Sunggyu asked with teasing voice again.

"Yes... I mean no, my workroom." Sungyeol said before walked away. Sunggyu chuckled before entered Myungchan's room.

"Ya, seongsangnim. Pleasee tell me." Myungchan begged as he tugged Bomi's shirt.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Sunggyu asked as he came in with a tray of food.

"Ah, Oppa. You came in the right time. Please help me from this noisy little prince." Bomi said as he got up and ran into Sunggyu.

"Gyu-gyu ajhussi. Bomi seongsangnim doesn't want to tell me his secret." Myungchan whined as he pointed at Bomi.

"I won't tell you." Bomi sticks out her tongue.

Sunggyu chuckled at the childish acts from the two of them.

"Hey, you two, stop playing around. I've prepared orange juice and some cookies for you." Sunggyu said as he put the tray on the small table near Myungchan's bed.

"Thank you, Hyung. You don't need to prepare all of this. I just came for talking to Mr. Lee."

"But you still a guest, Bomi and my duty is to serve you as a guest." Sunggyu smiled. "Ah, Sungyeol told me to take you to his workroom. He would meet you there."

"He's at home already? Can I meet him now?" Bomi asks.

"Sure. But don't you want to eat first?"

"No, thanks Oppa. I just want to meet him." Bomi said confidently.

"Okay, I'll take you. Myungchan-ah, just stay at your room. Ajhussi will take Bomi seongsangnim to meet daddy."

"Be a good boy. I'll be back to give you good news. Arasso?" Bomi smiled sweetly at Myungchan as she made her way behind Sunggyu.

"Um, Oppa, did this big house just lived by the three of you?" Bomi asked as she scanned around the room. Big glass windows, marble columns, Italian flair that perfectly well designed.

"Yes, Sungyeol's parents were already dead when he was nineteen. They left this house and Lee's corporation to him. Sungyeol have learned about business since he was seventeen. He was an extremely genius man. He even was nominated as one of top young entrepreneur by Forbes Magazine. But behind his successful, he was lonely. I hope you will never get hurt for all that he said to you. Sungyeol was a straight-to-the-point kind of man. Maybe he was rude but he always said what's on his mind. Trust me, you'll like him by the time you know him." Sunggyu explained as he stopped in front of a room that must be Sungyeol's workroom. "Here is the room. Hope everything will turn better and you could change his mind."

"Thank you, Oppa. I'll do my best to make him love Myungchan. Promise." Bomi smiled before opened the room. She took a deep breath and walks inside.

As Bomi entered the room, she was immediately engulfed in a luxury Rome architecture inside. The furnitures were dominated with black and red. She scanned the room and saw someone was sitting on a big leather armchair behind his table, back facing Bomi.

'He must be Mr. Lee.'

"Good evening, Mr. Lee." Bomi greeted politely. She could heard the man cleared his throat.

"Good evening, Ms. Yoon." the man answers as he turned his chair to face Bomi. "Welcome to my house."