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Fan Fiction > How I Met You

How I Met You

Author : Vyn_Lie
Published : 04 Jul 2014, Updated : 11 Jul 2014
Cast : lee sungyeol
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
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How I Met You
CHAPTER 1 : First Day

“I'm never...EVER WORKING IN THIS HOUSE...AGAIN!” An old lady runs down from upstairs walked pass by Sungyeol, screaming with mad face.

Sungyeol who was sitting in the living room with newspaper in his hands sighed heavily. “Not again!”

Then a 5 years old boy comes in, wearing a plastic knife that looks like a real knife with blood going through his head but when he sees the look on his father's face, he quickly takes it off and hides it behind his back.

Sungyeol put down his newspaper and looks up. “Lee Myungchan? What did you do this time?”

The boy that named Myungchan just smile, trying to look innocent, “I didn't do anything.”

Sungyeol sighed deeply as he shooked his head. “Ooohhh, Myungchan, this is the tenth nanny that has quit because of your pranks.” Sungyeol frowns and has a mad look on his face. “But Daddy!” Myungchan tried to protest as he walked to the living room.

“No but, Myungchan!” Sungyeol said sternly. Myungchan starts looking mad and clenching his hands. This is almost happen everyday. They communication often end up with argument battle. Sungyeol is always cold with Myungchan. Maybe he still couldn’t accept his presence. No wonder, a young perfect business man have to baby sit a boy that absolutely not his own child. But he have to do it because if he wasn’t, maybe a jail is awaiting him. But no matter how Sungyeol hates or annoyed with Myungchan, he never told him the truth about his parents. Sungyeol haven’t accept him yet but he didn’t mind about Myungchan called him Daddy. Maybe he was too afraid to tell him or maybe without he realized, he already felt comfortable with Myungchan called him Daddy.

“But Dad! She started to yell at me just because I was getting a cup of milk.” Myungchan argued back.

“Stop with your lies, Myungchan. You always have ton of excuses everytime you do a mistake.” Sungyeol said with annoy tone.

“Sir, you have to believe this young man. I once was in the kitchen with Myungchan doing homework on the table. He begged for milk and the nanny had yelled in his face that he wasn't allowed to drink milk.” Sunggyu said as he walked in. Sunggyu is Sungyeol’s driver. His family has worked for Lee family for years. He and Sungyeol were growing up together. Sungyeol has taken him like an elder brother. Sunggyu always be on Myungchan’s side everytime Sungyeol and Myungchan have an argument fight.

“Oh really? So you're going to believe this trouble maker, hyung.” Sungyeol gave Sunggyu a disbelief look.

“See! Gyu-gyu ajhussi believes me! Why can't you!” Mungchan pouted as he crossed his arms. Sungyeol silent for a while, couldn’t find the next words to say. But Sunggyu was quickly cut them off, trying to cool down the tense between them.

“No, No, Myungchannie… It's not that your father doesn't believe you. He is just having a hard time with this situation…especially now.” Sunggyu said gently as he started to stroke Myungchan’s hair. Myungchan looks at Sunggyu, smilling then he looks up to Sungyeol and sighs. “Ok, I guess you're right, ajhussi. Sorry Dad, I was completely out of line.” Myungchan walked towards Sungyeol and hugs him but instead hug him back, Sungyeol just keep standing there wih the same cold expression.

Worried that Sungyeol would said something bad to Myungchan again, Sunggyu who was watching the scene before him quickly approaching Myungchan.

“Myungchan-ah, you better quickly get ready or else you’re going to be late.” Sunggyu said with a smile.

“Ah, you’re right, Ajhussi. I don’t want to be late in my first day after long summer holiday.” Myungchan releases the hug and smile back at Sunggyu. “Just wait for me, I’ll be ready very soon.” Myungchan said loudly as he abruptly went upstairs.

“Don’t too stern with him, Sungyeol-ah. Just tried to understand him. Myungchan is a good kid if you know him well.” Sunggyu said as he pats Sungyeol’s back lightly.

“I don’t know, hyung. I didn’t really hate him but I just a little bit… pissed off.” Sungyeol said without looking at Sunggyu.

“You just need time, buddy. And I promise I’ll give you my best support. Okay.” Sunggyu said with a smile that make his hamster eyes vanished.

“Thanks, hyung.” Sungyeol smiled slightly.



Bomi stood in front of the floor length mirror (that also served as her closet door) and pinched herself with delight. She had been working towards this moment for six long years and now finally, finally she was starting her very first dream job. Come Monday morning, Bomi is the new kindergarten teacher at Happy Together Kindergarten.

Bomi carefully laid out the casual pants and cardigan set she plan to wear on her first day. After setting out her briefcase and the little trinkets, she planned to decorate her desk with, Bomi then went to the bathroom.

Bomi was really excited when she knows that she was accepted as a kindergarten teacher. Yeah, being a kindergarten teacher was her long time dream. She likes children so much. Being an orphan have made her learn that love is the most important thing. So that’s why she decided to dedicate her life for children and give them love as much as she could.

Bomi dries her hair after a soothing shower and dresses in the outfit she'd laid out. After a healthy breakfast and a cup of coffee, Bomi grabs the lunch she'd packed the night before, along with her briefcase, and headed off to work.

“Welcome to our school, Ms. Bomi.” Mrs. Song said with a smile as she held out her hand.

“Thank you, Mrs. Song. I’ll do my best.” Bomi said politely as she shooks Mrs. Song’s hand.

“Your class is class K-5, there are twenty children. The class was at the corner of this corridor. I’ll give you the student’s name list.” Mrs. Song said as she handed Bomi some pieces of paper. Bomi looked at it, trying to recognized their faces and names.

“But I want to tell you something. Be careful with one student, Lee Myungchan. He is a little trouble maker. He used to make prank on people. Many teachers have give up on him. His father is one of the top young business man in the entire Korea, Lee Sungyeol.” Mrs. Song explained with a serious face. Bomil flips the paper, trying to find the child that Mrs. Song has reffered. There he is. LeeMyungchan, 5 years old, an only son of Lee Sungyeol.

‘What a cute face. I wonder how his parents look like.’ Bomi thought.

“Why in his profile didn’t mentioned about his mother?” Bomi questioned.

“No one knows about his mother. We didn’t have any nerve to ask Mr. Lee about his wife either.” Mrs. Song said slowly.

“Okay, Mrs. Song, I will take care of this as best as I can. Thank you for the information.” Bomi bows slightly before left the principal room.”



“Daddy, why you always don’t want to accompany me to my school?” Myungchan whined in the car.

"I'm busy." Sungyeol said without turn around. Myungchan scrunched his face. He knows his father is a busy business man. But he still a kid that need affection and attention. He really envy when he saw his friends went to school hand in hand with their parents. But Myungchan tried to ignore the sadness that sometimes raging on him. And the only thing that he used to do to lighten up his mood was by making prank on his friends or teachers. That's why Myungchan is the most scariest kid in his school. No one could do against him. Even the teacher or principal. That's because Myungchan's father, Lee Sungyeol is one of the important investor in Happy Together Kindergarten.

"How good if I have a mommy." Myungchan mumbled softly but clear enough to Sungyeol and Sunggyu to hear. Sunggyu's heart hurt after heard that. Sungyeol still kept silent.

"Um, Myungchannie, how if ajhussi accompany you to school?" Sunggyu said behind the steer. Myungchan raised his brow. "But Gyu-gyu ajhussi, doesn't you have to take Daddy to his office? I can go by my self." Myungchan said plainly.

"Um, sir, may you go to your office by yourself? I'll take Myungchan to his school by bus. Is that okay?" Sunggyu said politely as he looked up to the mirror in front of him.

Sungyeol looks back to the front mirror just to meet Sunggyu's eyes. Sunggyu give him an eye contact, signing him to agree.

"Okay, do whatever you want." Sungyeol said nonchalantly.

"See, Myungchan. Today we'll have fun together. Maybe ajhussi will find any hottie noona or teacher in your school." Sunggyu teased with a wink to Myungchan through the mirror in front of him.

"Ya, I don't want my Gyu-gyu ajhussi turn into a hamster pervert ajhussi." Myungchan laughed. Sunggyu just chuckles for what he had said.



Bomi was in high spirits as she stood at the door to greet her students and their parents for the first day of school. When she was about to enter the room, suddenly she felt someone bump into her quite hard.

"Ouch." the little kid yelps. Bomi looks down just to see a little cute boy pouted as he touched his forehead.

"Ya, Myungchan-ah. I told you don't run too fast." Before Bomi can give a response, another voice was heard. Bomi lifts up her face to the other voice.

"Ya, you giant giraffe. Stay aside, you had blocked my way." the little kid said annoyingly before stomped into the classroom, leaving Bomi stunned there dumbfounded.

"Ya, Myungchan-ah, don't be rude to the older people." the other voice said again as he approaching Bomi.

"I'm really sorry, Miss. Myungchan is always like that to the new people. I'm really sorry for what he had said." a hamster man bowed respectfully as he kept apologize.

"Never mind. Is that Lee Myungchan, Mr. Lee's son?" Bomi asked the hamster man with a smile. The hamster man looks up and nod.

"Ne, he's Lee Myungchan." Sunggyu said as he smiled back and added. "Do you know him?"

"Ne, I'm his new teacher. My name is Yoon Bomi. And you're..." Bomi said as she stretched out her hand towards the hamster man.

He widened his eyes in surprise when he knows that Bomi is Myungchan's new teacher.

"S..so, you're Myungchan's new teacher. I'm so sorry about what Myungchan had said before, Bomi seongsangnim. Please don't treat him bad after this. He is a good kid but sometimes he was just out of control." Sunggyu said nervously. Bomi chuckles, looking at the cute panic hamster face before her.

"Take it easy, Sir. I'll never mad at him. He is just a little kid. Just don't worry. May I know who you are?" Sunggyu sighed in relieve after hear that.

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm Kim Sunggyu, Myungchan's uncle." Sunggyu said as he shooked Bomi's hand gently.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim Sunggyu. Are you here to look after Myungchan? Where's his father?" Bomi asked as he leads Sunggyu to walk into the class.

"He is working. So I replaced him to look after Myungchan." Sunggyu said as he followed Bomi into the class.

"I see. Okay, Sunggyu-ssi, you can stand on the back side and watching on Myungchan during the class." Bomi explains to Sunggyu and Sunggyu just obediently do as she said.

In the classroom, Myungchan raised his brow at Sunggyu and Bomi who were talking friendly.

Then Sunggyu turned his gaze to Myungchan, mouthed him 'Be a good boy' before walked to the back side of the class.



Bomi stands in front of the class. "Hello, little princes and princesses. My name is Yoon Bomi and from this day, I'm your new teacher. We are gonna make some fun during the class. Okay?" Bomi introduces cheerfully with a wide gummy smile on her face. She glances around the class still with her famous gummy smile then her gaze landed on Myungchan who was sitting at the back, looking at her coldly. Bomi smiles at him but just get an ignorance from Myungchan.

‘What a cold attitude. But he still looks cute.’ Bomi chuckled herself then turns to another children.

Little hands clutched at pant legs and skirt bottoms as some children struggled with being separated from their parents for the first time. Bomi approaches a little girl at the corner who was crying while clutching on her mother’s leg.

"Jiae," Bomi bent down so that she was eye level with a crying little girl. "I have been waiting to meet you all morning. Do you know why?" When the little girl shook her head, Bomi continued. "Because someone secretly told me that your very favorite thing is ponies. And guess what? I love ponies, too. And from one pony lover to another, guess what I put on your desk?"

Jiae looked inquisitive, but slightly unconvinced. Bomi held out her hand for the little girl to take. "Can I show you the special surprise I put on your desk?"

Slowly Jiae nodded, but made sure her mother didn't go far as she allowed Bomi to lead her to where she'd be sitting. A slow smile spread across her face when she saw the coloring page of a pony and a brand new box of crayons on her desk.

"I bet your mom would love it if you would color this picture for her so that she could put it on her refrigerator today after she picks you up from school. What do you think?"

Jiae nodded. "I'm going to make this picture for you, Mommy," she said to her mother.

Jiae's mother mouthed a silent 'thank you' to Bomi before tiptoeing to the edge of the room with the hope of making a successful exit.

Bomi  was thankful to Mrs. Song who'd given her the idea of having the incoming student's parents fill out an information sheet telling her something special about their child. It was always helpful to find a common ground when trying to manage a classroom. Class was going smooth, even some of children still afraid and don’t want to be separated with their parents. Suddenly in the middle of the lesson, Myungchan walking to the front of the class, approaching Bomi. Bomi smiles at him.

“Seongsangnim, I want to say sorry about what I’ve said before.” Myungchan said with an innocent eyes as he held out his hand towards Bomi.

“It’s okay, prince Myungchan.” Bomi smiles widely before reached his hand. But Bomi’s smile suddenly vanished when she felt something weird on her hand.

“That’s my apologize present for you, Seongsangnim.” Myungchan’s innocent smile turn into a smirk then he left Bomi. Bomi looks at her right hand which is sticky of the chewing gum. Myungchan laughed out loud as he walked back to his chair, making Sunggyu who was standing at the back side looking at him with puzzle look. But instead exploded in angry, Bomi chuckles and shouted back to Myungchan. “Thanks for the present, Myungchannie.”

Bomil’s statement making the little Myungchan’s jaw dropped in shock.

‘Che! Why she didn’t mad at me like the other teachers usually do. What a weird teacher.’ Myungchan mentally pouted.

By the time the school day had ended, Bomi was exhausted. As Bomi dragged her tired form to the staff parking lot, she regretted telling her friend, Bora that she'd meet her at Paradise Cafe.

"I didn't think you'd come," Bora said when she saw Bomi walking towards her in the crowded cafe.

"I almost didn't," Bomi said as she looks around before took a seat. "I'm really tired."

"Kindergartners kicking your butt already?" Bora grinned.

"I'd like to see you after six hours with Twenty five-year-olds," Bomi challenged.

Bora is her childhood friend in orphanage. She worked as a broadcaster. At least once a week, Bomi and Bora met at one dining or drinking establishment around town and chatted about their experiences.

“So, how about your first day?” Bora asked as she sipped on her latte.

Bomi sighed before answers her. “Yeah, like a normal children. Some of them were still afraid, some of them were too hyperactive, and there’s a special too.” Bomi chuckles.

“What are you smiling for?” Bora raised her brows.

“There’s a unique kid in my class. His name is Lee Myungchan. You know what he gave me on my first day?” Bomi just give him a srug for the response.

“A sticky gummy on my hand. What a playful kid.” Bomi chuckled.

“What? You still could smile while your own student making some prank on you. What a weird teacher you are, Bomi-ah.” Bora said as she gave her a disbelief look.

“I think there’s something special behind his attitude. And I’ll find out about it latter.” Bomi said confidently.

They were talking quite long, Bora told her many things about her work. Though she enjoyed talking with Bora, Bomi was relieved to be on her way home forty-five minutes later. She needed to review her lesson plan for the following day.