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Fan Fiction > Unexpected


Author : pearl
Published : 15 Aug 2013, Updated : 12 May 2014
Cast : Tao x OC [You]
Tags :
Status : Complete
0 Subscribes |2821 Views |4 Loves
CHAPTER 1 : 1 Of 2

I jumped on my place as i heard the buzzing sound made by my phone on my desk. I dropped the files that I hold and flickered on the caller ID. Groaning as I pick up the call made by my oh-so-cute younger brother.


“Noona! Why aren’t you home yet?!!”

“Ugh Kyungsoo, something came up last minute at work a—“

“Ah! Molla molla! I don’t want to know! aisssh....." I could hear he was cursing under his breath over there. I don’t blame my little brother for that because I am myself is pissed off.

Why am I still here!!?

It was already 5:30 PM but I can’t leave this office yet. I should’ve been home at 4 and prepare for a little barbeque party at my house for Celebrating my little brother’s accomplishment as he finally signed to a label. He’s a really good singer, the best one at our house. Kyungsoo always won singing competition here and there and finally, he was scouted by a big talent company. So, we decided to invite our close friends to the house for a bbq night, because our parents is away, well we could use some of the freedom .

"I'll be there in 30 ok? I called Eunsoo already to help you set up. I'm really sorry Kyungsoo-yah," and the phone ended by a threatening answer from my brother, to be at house in exact 30mins or sleep outside. Damn that stupid boy is quiet scary sometimes aside from his cute looks.



I slammed my hand on the table out of frustration "Aissh... this is frustrating!!"

Taking out the bluetooth earpiece and continue typing in a lightning speed. i had to re-type the agreement documents again for 3 projects because of a babo,

"Hyunkyung-sshi," i looked up to meet eyes with the babo himself, Huang Zitao. I looked at him in annoyance as he walked up towards my desk.

He was a transferred employee from our China office. He's good looking, tall with nice body and i admit that. Oh and his eyes, oh that eyes. It’s as if he could undress me with his intense gaze….. but enough of fangirling over him. Cause currently I’m utterly pissed with this person. Because of his imperfect Korean reading, he accidentally deleted all of the document that we need for tomorrow's meeting!! and now i had to help him to retype those things again. im currently on my last paragraph of the 2nd document and had no time to all

"What again Tao?" i asked curtly. He looked scared standing infront of me, well he should be.

"A-ah, about the 3rd one, you don't need to type it again. i just recover the document," he handed a bundle of papers in front of me and I sighed.in relief in an instant.

"Really?! Oh thank god!" I beamed at him and he simply smiled back.



I leaned back to my chair as if a heavy weight has been lifted away from me and continue typing the last words. Tao just sat there while studying the papers, re-checking if there’s something wrong or not. I walked to the printer table and set it on then printing all the document we need. Leaning back on the wall near the table I checked on my phone. 20 minutes more? Wow, I work in an inhumane speed~

“I’m really sorry, really sorry that you had to help me about this,”

I gave him a small smile while typing a message for my little brother, “it’s okay. I’m responsible for these also or our editor in chief will,” I gave a slicing-throat gesture near my throat and it makes him laugh.

It’s nice to see him laugh because most of the time he looked really serious and scary to be honest. We’re not that close but since we worked in the same marketing department of this magazine company, we got together a lot. I mean for work.

“So, I guess I’ll leave now,” I said as I take my purse and phone charger on my desk. “you?”

“Me too,” he showed me his bag that he carry, I didn’t notice that

“Ah, so you prepared already?” I laughed a little, turning my computers and printer of while putting on my jacket

“Well, the rest of the colleagues are already home and it’s empty out there,”

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid being alone?” I gave him a teasing smile as he shook his head abruptly, fixing his work bag on his shoulder

“No! Of course not, hahaha, why whould I—ahh!!!“

I purposely clicked off the lamp switch and heard him shouted coming from the tall guy standing a few geet behind me. When I clicked it back on, Tao’s eyes were as huge as eggs, it might popped out from it’s socket.

“You are scared! Oh my god,” I laughed out loud while pointing at him,

“Well I-I…..”  he was so cute and blushed as he stride to the door and try to open it but I left it locked. I forgot to open it.  Feeling a little bit bad because I might be embarrassing him I stopped and open the locked door

“It’s okay Tao, I’m sorry I laughed out loud,” I said while we walked out from my office room towards the elevator which is not too far, I keep smiling to myself remembering how cute he looked when he’s embarrassed like that. I bet no one has saw him like this. He scratch the back of his head, messing the perfect black locks that I adore too. Ugh, shut it Hyunkyung, you can’t fangirl over your co-worker and when he’s actually younger than you!

“It’s okay. My jiejie used to do it too,” he sheepishly smiled. Jiejie? Ah, older sister. We stepped into the elevator and went to the 1st lobby as

“But I thought you are an only child?”

“Eh?” he looks confused. “I never tell anyone about it…”

Busted. No one should know about that, of course. This man, he never talk about his family to her nor the other colleagues. That’s why some of us think that he’s pretty mysterious. With that look of his, totally suit the mysterious type really well! I wish the elevator would just swallowed me down cause I caught red handed, I had been reading his profiles a lot. I just want to know more about this person except he was a freshly graduated from the top university in Qingdao. I face palmed myself inside of my head.

“I-I…read your profile a few times,” I mumbled the last two words, my face flushed red because of embarrassment. Shit! Why did I blurted out the ‘few times’ part!! Ugh!! I looked up to see him eyeing me with that teasing stare

“Why? Why are you reading my profiles? And a few times? Hahahah, Are you interested in me, Noona?” he emphasized the last words and nudging my shoulder. Aish, this boy he never really called me with noona, that’s why I often forgot that he’s younger. I pushed him back with my shoulder as he keeps nudging me.

“Shut it~”

“You like me eh?” his sudden question caught me off guard and I froze, “Ah~ So it’s true! Noona likes me~” he keep teasing me and I couldn’t help but just  laugh it off,

Noona? Did you really know how old I am Huang Zitao? I never really talk about it with anyone you know,” I retorted back in a flirty tone, hoping that he would brush that topic before away.

“Well, I was already here when the whole office celebrated your 24th birthday months ago,”  he said triumphantly.

Oh fuck.

Yeah. He is.

Damn, I’m embarrassed and I don’t know what to do. It backfired on me. I just let out a deep sigh and try to look a little busy with my phone. I could hear him chuckled, my face is burning with embarrassment. As the elevator door opened once it arrives on the lobby, I just stormed out leaving him behind though I heard him calling for my name. I just kept striding down outside and went to the bus stop near my office building, left him alone in the building.