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Author : Pink_Panda15
Published : 09 Jul 2014, Updated : 31 Jul 2014
Cast : Lee Taemin, Son Naeun, Yoon Bora, APink
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Status : Ongoing
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CHAPTER 2 : Best Day Ever

Sub Chapter: Taeun

3 months later…

No One’s POV

Everything went well between Taemin and Naeun, and Chorong and Bomi as well, but the only thing that went wrong was, the relationship between Taemin and Bora.

Taemin felt that Bora just taking advantage of him. He felt that Bora want to be with him just because he’s a rich man. There’s one time when Taemin tested her girlfriend. To prove that he was right or he was wrong about his assumption.


At the Mall

They were at the cashier to pay Bora’s shopping. “Babe, I’m really really sorry. I forgot to bring my wallet. So I can’t pay your shopping right now. I’m sorry.” Taemin said to his girlfriend. “What? Are you serious right now? You must be joking right?” said Bora.

“You can check it in my pocket, I really didn’t have it right now.” Bora’s face got darken. “So what do we do now?” asked Bora panic. “I guess you have to pay that.” Taemin said. “I didn’t bring my wallet too, I thought you bring it. So I didn’t bring mine.”

“Miss, are you gonna buy this items?” said the employee. “Hmmm.. we’ll be back later.” After Bora said that, they leave the shop and going outside the shop.

“You made me embarrassed in there. I can’t believe you. I give you a warning okay, don’t make me embarrass again next time. Or… ” 

“or what? What are you gonna do?” asked Taemin.

“I wondered why I always have to pay your shopping? It’s not like we already married. Why don’t you pay your bills by yourself next time?”  Taemin asked.

“I have you, you’re my boyfriend, you have to pay all my bills.” Bora said. “What?? So you’re saying that I’m your bank? Give all my money to you? Wait, are you taking advantage of me all this time? And Do you even love me? I never heard you said ‘I Love You’ to me.” Taemin already angry and people around them staring at them.

“I’m not saying like that, you’re the one.” Bora said while looking around like there’s nothing. “My guess was right, you little evil. I’m breaking up with you.” Taemin said right in front of her face.

“You know what? FYI, I never loved you. I’m just using you as my money supply. and I’m glad that we finally broke up. BYE!” then Bora leave Taemin alone in the middle of crowd that surround them.


From that moment, Taemin and Naeun are getting closer day by day. They would sit together at the café and talk a lot and sometimes, they call each other. But they’re still at friend zone, nothing more. None of them make a move because in one side, Taemin’s still sad about his broke up with Bora, and in one side, Naeun didn’t feel right to make a move to Taemin because of his condition. So what naeun did is listening Taemin’s  feelings and trying to calm him down.

Lunch Time

Naeun was already excited to go out to the café to see her prince. “Eunji unnie, I’m going!”  Naeun said to Eunji. “Why you so excited? Usually, you’re the one that didn’t want to go out if you already at your office.” Asked Eunji. “People change unnie.” Then she leave the office and went to the café.

At the café

Naeun’s POV

Usually, he’ll be here by this time. “Hey Naeun-ah. Waiting someone?” asked Bomi unnie with teasing tone. “You know who unnie. Why he’s not here right now?”  

He should be here. “Hey.. be patient. While you’re waiting him, can I ask you something?” suddenly she’s sound serious.

“What is it unnie?” I asked curiously. “About your personal driver, is she single?” Why suddenly she asked about Chorong unnie? “Hmm.. I don’t think so. She never told me anything. Why unnie?”

Bomi’s POV

“My friend is kind of, like her. He asked me about her. So I asked you.” I shouldn’t tell her the truth yet. Not now. “Owww… I think she’s still single.”


“unnie, go away please, he’s here.” I can’t believe she kick me away because of him. “Okay, Okay. Have fun!” then I leave her alone and go to the kitchen.

So she’s still single.. Okay..

Naeun’s POV

“Oppa!” I shouted. “Oh Naeun-ah! You’re here.” He said. “have you ordered something already?” he asked. “Nope, I just want to order now.”

No One’s POV

Then they ordered foods and chat while eating. After eating, they still chat about things. Then, “Oppa, are you still sad?” Naeun asked. “What? No! no. I’m not.” Taemin said while pretending not to be sad.

“I can see in your face you are.” Naeun said.  “What can I do Naeun-ah. Things already happened. I think I just need to move on.” He said with teary eyes. “Yeah you should. You need to look on another girl. you know, search new girlfriend.”

Naeun’s POV

“Yeah, you’re right. But it’s not easy you know.” he said. I have to bold myself up. Now or never Naeun. “Oppa, are you interested a girl that younger than you?” I asked. “Age doesn’t matter for me. What matter for me is loyalty, sincerity. That’s all.” Now or Never.

“Oppa, I know this may seem wrong. And you just broke up with your GF. But, I’ve been like you since the day that I saw you for the first time in this café.” There. I said it. I just close my eyes and waiting for his reaction.

Taemin’s POV

“Oppa, I know this may seem wrong. And you just broke up with your GF. But, I’ve been like you since the day that I saw you for the first time in this café.” I froze for a moment. I couldn’t think much. After I calmed down for a bit.

is she serious? I saw she’s just closing her eyes. Well, Naeun is pretty, and seems like, she’s a nice girl. but isn’t  it too soon?

“What are you saying just now?” I asked. “I said I like you.” Said Naeun. “Do you really like me?” I asked, conforming what she said. “Yes, I do.” She said. Then there’s a silence between us for a moment.

“Please don’t be a mad at me.” How can I mad to a person that like me? “Are you saying this seriously? Because I can’t trust person easily.” I don’t want have same mistake twice.

“Really, really serious. I’m not joking at all.” I could see it though. She’s being very serious. “Okay, but I think you have to prove me something. Many girls ran away because of this things.”

Naeun’s POV

Whatever it is, it won’t change my feeling. “I have a disease. I have a cancer. And right now, it’s just getting worse. Doctor said that I just have 2 months to live. So do you still want to be with me?”

Is he testing me or just messing around? But his facial expression is so serious. “Is this just a scheme or it’s really happening?” I asked.

“I do have cancer Naeun-ah. If you don’t believe it, that just call my doctor.” Shit, he’s serious. But like I already said.

“it didn’t change anything oppa. I’ll be by yourside until your last day in this world. Every second. Every minute, every hour.” I said.

Taemin’s POV

I got Goosebumps when she said that. “Are you sure?” i have to conform first. “Of course.”

“Then let’s do this, today is our first day.” I smile and she as well. “So… we’re dating oppa?” she asked with shy tone. CUTE! “Of course. Let’s celebrate it!” then I take her hand, “Congratss!!!” Bomi shouted as we went outside.

“Oppa, wait a minute.” She ran to her car, said something to the driver and then back to me again then we went to the fine dining restaurant.

At the restaurant

No One’s POV

After they arrived at the restaurant, since it’s still afternoon, they booked the restaurant just for the two of them. Even they request the waitress that they wanted a candle light dinner. So the restaurant did as they wanted and Voila.. Candle light dinner was ready.

They ordered food, champagne, and they request to have a bunch of man who played violin, to played songs for them. The dinner was so romantic. Delicious food, rose scented candle, romantic songs. Perfect. They chatted as they ate the dish.

They joke around, tell about each other, and sometimes tell cheesy words to each other. Since they’re a new couple, they’re still shy and if you all were there, you can see their face were as red as tomato.

After they ate, they went to catch some movies. They watched ‘The Fault in Our Stars’. Naeun was crying while watching the movies. After the movie end, “Oppa, I think, the movie and our story is kind of same, isn’t it?” asked Naeun. “Eiii.. of course different, first thing, In our story, the male that got the disease. Second things, their fake, ours real. Third things, my love for you is so much bigger than the man in the movie.” Said Taemin.

Naeun cringed over the word that Taemin said. “You’re so cheesy oppa!” then they walked around the mall, bought couple stuff. The time flew so fast when you’re happy. So , they ended the night by watched the sky in the night in front of Naeun’s house.

Naeun’s POV

“I’m so happy today oppa.” I said. Seriously, I’m really – really happy. “So am I Naeun-ah.” Then hour passes and it’s time for me to go in the house. “I’m going oppa. Good Night.” I said. “Good Night.” When I was walking towards my house , my hand was pulled by him, and suddenly, ‘Chu’

He kissed  me in the forehead. Then he said the most magical word in this universe. It consist of three words, eight letters. “I love You.”

I froze at that moment. “I’m going!” oppa said. Then he drove away and I still standing in the same spot.

Then I slowly walked in the house and go straight to the bed. “Best day EVER.” Then I go to sleep.

Sub Chapter: ChoMi

Chorong’s POV

I was really scared why she suddenly fainted. “Yah!! Bomi-ya, waku up! It didn’t funny at all.” I shake her and taps her face. After few minutes, she awake. “What Happen?” she asked.

“You’re just fainted.” I said. She still confuse about the situation. “Why I was fainted?” she asked again. Then I explained her everything then she gets it. “Ahh, so it’s like that.” Bomi said.

Bomi’s POV

OMG! It’s really embarrassing. I fainted just because I saw Chorong unnie was just covered by towel? What’s wrong me? Then I see her from head to toe and.. “Now why your face’s red? Are you sick? You should take a bath soon you know.” My face red? What’s wrong with me!? “Ok unnie.”

Then I walk to the closet and take out some clothes and undergarment. Then I start to take off my clothes one by one. “Yah!! Don’t do it here! Go to bathroom.” I stopped taking off my clothes and look at her. “Why unnie? We’re girls.” I said. But truth is, I’m shy too hehehe.

“Still, go to bathroom.” she said. The funny thing is her face is red. Even she already took a bath. “Unnie, you’re face red. Are you sick too? You should wear the clothes unnie.” Yea, she’s still not wearing her clothes.

Chorong’s POV

She has to take off her shirt in the bathroom or if she’s not, haisshh… “just go inside.” I said.  “Ahhh, I don’t want to. I take off it here.” She’s starting take her clothes one by one. ‘please don’t please don’t.’ I said to myself.

No One’s POV

After Bomi took off all her shirt and cover her body with towel, “Unnie!! You’re nose bleeding!! Why you just stand there!!!” Bomi rushed to Chorong and took Chorong to the bathroom to clean her up.

“Aishhh unnie!! Why you’re nose bleeding suddenly! It worried me!!” Said Bomi. After they’re done. Then Bomi said, “Unnie are you ok?” they were face to face right now. “I’m okay. Thanks for worrying me.” Chorong smiled to Bomi and Bomi smiled too. Then there’s silence for a while.

Then, suddenly Chorong got closer, closer, closer to Bomi’s face… andddd……










“Bomi-ya, Bomi-ya..  are you okay? Bomi-ya..” said Chorong.

Bomi’s POV

“Bomi-ya, Bomi-ya..  are you okay? Bomi-ya..” said Chorong unnie. Then I realized it was just my imagination. “O-oh! Ye-yess, I’m o-okay.” I said stuttering.

Chorong’s POV

What’s wrong with her? Her face was red as a fresh boiled lobster and blank and her mouth was open for couple minutes while staring at me. “What’s wrong with you?” then I walk outside the bathroom and search for a certain item. “Bomi-ya!! Do you have any body lotion? My skin is dry.” I shouted.

“the body lotion is in the table beside the bed.” Bomi shouted back. “Ok! I got it!”

“Shinzui Body Lotion. Putih itu Shinzui.” I said the words which in the bottle. So the body lotion is shinzui’s product. I applied the body lotion then wear my clothes.

No One’s POV

After Bomi was done with her shower, she went out and found Chorong saw her childhood pictures. “unnie!! Where did you find it!?” she ran to Chorong and grab the photo and put it back to its place.

“I just found it. Why?” asked Chorong. “It’s embarrassing you know!”  said Bomi. “It’s ok, you’re cute in that picture.” Compliment Chorong. “JinJja? Hahaha, thanks.” Didn’t know why but Bomi was so happy by the compliment that Chorong gave. “you’re welcome.”

“Unnie, can you apply me some body lotion too? I have to take care of my skin. “ said Bomi. “Come here.”

Then Chorong applied the body lotion on Bomi’s body that didn’t cover up by towel. Then there’s strange feeling inside Bomi’s body when Chorong did it. ‘What’s wrong with me?’ Bomi’s thought.

Then Bomi suddenly felt Chorong massage her shoulder. “ahh… it’s nice unnie.” After some massage, Bomi suddenly felt something that can make her going crazy.











“Bomi-ya? Bomi-yaa.. what happened again with you know?” said Chorong. Then Bomi woke up from her dream land to the real world.

Bomi’s POV

“W-what? What’s w-wrong?” What’s wrong with me!! Why I have that kind of imagination?!! “ You’re keep saying ‘Don’t keep kissing me unnie, you’re making me crazy. Don’t please don’t.’ and other words. Are you really ok?” asked Chorong unnie.

I’ve got some issues “Oh, I’m okay, relax unnie, I’m okay.”

Chorong’s POV

Ahhh.. So Bomi keep imagining me kissing her. Hahaha.. Cute.. but what a pervert. “Okay, pervert.” I said teasingly. “ahh… unnie, I’m not a pervert.” She’s whining with aegyo. SO CUTE!!!

“Okay, okay. Now I want to sleep good night.” Then I kiss her cheek then I lay down on the bed and go to sleep.

Bomi’s POV

‘Chu’ I froze. Is she really kissing me? Am I dreaming again? I pinched arm and it hurts. Then I’m not dreaming! I’m not dreaming!! Yeay!! Wait!!!! Why I’m so excited!!!?? OMG.


Then I look at her already sleeping, then I wear my clothes and sleeping too. ‘I’m so weird today.’ My thought. 











The New Update..

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