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Fan Fiction > The Brewed Love

The Brewed Love

Author : xiuminseok99
Published : 24 Jun 2014, Updated : 24 Jun 2014
Cast : Kim Minseok, Xi Luhan, Original Character
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
0 Subscribes |779 Views |1 Loves
The Brewed Love
CHAPTER 1 : Green Tea

Kimmi’s POV.


“Oh… iya, gapapa. Aku ngerti. Gapapa, Han, hehehe. Okay. See you, then.”


Gue menghela napas setelah mematikan telepon dari Luhan. Lagi-lagi gue harus menghabiskan malam ini sendirian. Well, actually I could invite my friends to come over but I guessed I prefered to spend tonight all by myself. Gue mengambil segelas coffee latte yang gue pesen dari satu jam yang lalu. Dingin. Kalau tau Luhan gak bisa dateng, harusnya gue udah minum coffee latte ini dari tadi. Ada rasa kecewa yang terbesit di benak gue, namun sebisa mungkin gue redam. I had felt this disappointment couple of times, harusnya gue udah biasa.


I couldn’t do anything, though. Luhan chose his work over his girlfriend. Gue sebisa mungkin menerima kenyataan yang ada, toh, Luhan bilang ini juga demi masa depan kita berdua. I still remembered once he had promised that he would marry me when he reached the position that he wanted in his office and it’s only a matter of time since Luhan had been doing so well. Mungkin kalau gue bersabar kali ini, gue juga akan ikut menikmati hasil jerih payah Luhan.


But, no. I was tired of this.


Gue kangen Luhan. Gue kangen saat-saat dimana kita berdua bisa ngabisin waktu bareng-bareng. Gue kangen ketika Luhan masih punya waktu buat gue dan kita bisa dengan spontan ke Bandung buat ngeliat bintang di Bukit Bintang, atau ketika tiba-tiba Luhan muncul di depan rumah gue dengan ngebawa Green Tea Latte kesukaan gue, bahkan gue kangen ngeliatin Luhan heboh nonton Manchester United walaupun gue gak ngerti bola sama sekali.


I missed everything about him.


Would there be a time when he finally decide to choose me over his work? Asli, gue sedih banget. I slowly lost my faith in him. Gue ngerasa Luhan udah gak peduli lagi sama gue. I was scared work was not the reason why he had not be able to meet me for the last two weeks. I was scared to death.


I shrugged my shoulder, berusaha buat ngebuang pikiran-pikiran negatif. Gue harus percaya sama Luhan, we had been in this relationship for more than four years, that should be long enough for me to put all my trust on him.


Cangkir latte gue kosong. I decided to order another cup of latte. Gue lagi mau nenangin diri sendirian disini dulu, ngenikmatin pemandangan kota Jakarta dari salah satu coffee shop kesukaan gue-- dan Luhan-- ini.


“Ada yang bisa dibantu, kak?”

“Iya, mas, mau Green Tea Latte-nya yang medium.”

“Atas nama siapa?”


“Jadi 43000 rupiah ya, kak. Ada lagi kak?”

“Itu aja, mas.”

“Baik, ditunggu ya kak.”


Gue kembali duduk di kursi. I checked my iPhone, there were some messages from my work partner. Well, I forgot I still have advertising project to do. Being a copywriter sometimes exhausted me, but I was glad I enjoy doing it.


Jangan lupa besok brainstorming buat Djarum.

Sender: Keenan.


I sighed. Yes, I loved my job, but I didn’t feel like thinking of it right now.


Apalagi setelah gue sadar Luhan belom ngabarin gue sama sekali sejak dia izin buat rapat.


Mungkin dia masih sibuk rapat.


But looking back to the old times, kadang Luhan masih suka nyuri-nyuri kesempatan buat sekedar nge-Whatsapp gue pas dia lagi rapat. Sekedar buat ngingetin makan siang atau curhat tentang boss-nya yang gak berhenti ngomel.


Oh come on, Kimmi. Stop thinking about him.


Gue ngebuka chat Whatsapp gue dan Luhan.


I’ll talk to you later.


Pesan terakhir dari Luhan satu jam yang lalu. A simple ‘I’ll talk to you later.’ Gue tersenyum kecil, but not because I was happy to see his last message. Gue merasa ada yang kurang dari kata-kata dia.


There was no ‘I love you.’ di akhir pesan.


“Oh God,” gue mengigit bibir bawah gue, berusaha menahan rasa sakit di hati gue. Mata gue mulai memanas, tapi gue tau gue gak boleh nangis cuma karena hal ini.


“Green Tea Latte,”


Gue menengok ke arah waiter yang ngebawain pesenan gue. Senyum yang ada diwajahnya tiba-tiba menghilang, mukanya menjadi kebingungan pas ngeliat mata gue yang mulai berkaca-kaca.


“Thank you.” Ujar gue pelan, mengambil Green Tea Latte gue dari tangannya.

Waiter tersebut diam beberapa saat didepan gue, mungkin dalam hati dia penasaran kenapa gue keliatan pathetic. Gue kembali menoleh ke arah waiter tersebut.


“I’m okay--” gue tersenyum, melihat  ke arah tanda pengenalnya, “--Minseok.”


Kim Minseok, apparently the name of the waiter, nodded his head.


“But you don’t look like you’re okay, though.” Ujarnya sambil tersenyum.


It disturbed me how he’s trying to put his nose on my problem. Tapi gue akuin, orang yang berdiri di depan gue sekarang looked hella fine. He couldn’’t be called tall, but he was not that short neither. His eyes were quite big even though he didn’t have double eye-lids. And everytime he smiled, his rabbit teeth appeared. His hair was combed backwards, and it stayed flawlessly because-- I guessed-- he put some gels into it. I could see his well-built arms through his black shirt. He looked decent with the apron. He looked cute and hot at the same time.


Gue ngebales senyumnya, “I’d like to think I am.” ujar gue pelan.


Minseok menangguk lagi, “Well, if you need a companion. My shift is ended already.” again, he showed his rabbit teeth.


I scoffed, “What are you trying to do?” I glared at him, “Gue keliatan kayak cewek kesepian yang butuh seseorang buat nemenin?” Gue menggeleng, “No, I’m totally fine. You can go.”


“Wow, I’m just being nice, though.” Kepalanya menggeleng, senyumnya belum lepas dari wajahnya. “Fine, I’ll go.” Minseok akhirnya pergi ninggalin meja gue.


“Being nice my ass,” I mumbled, “being a creep it is.”




Gue mengecek iPhone gue, ada satu message dari Luhan. Akhirnya. Gue segera membuka line dari dia.


Hai. Rapatnya selesai lebih cepet. Kamu dimana?


Aku masih di coffee shop. Kamu udah boleh balik?


Kayaknya udah bisa balik. Aku kesana ya. Kamu nunggu gapapa kan?


       It’s ok. I’ll wait.


Gue menghela napas lega. Pada akhirnya gue bisa ketemu Luhan. There were a lot of things I wanted to share with him. Gue udah gak sabar buat cerita semua kejadian selama dua minggu ini, since I didn’t have chance to have an intimate talk with him, just the two of us.


Gue kembali meneguk minuman gue, sesekali gue mengarahkan pandangan gue ke arah konter tempat Kim Minseok berdiri, lagi ngelayanin pembeli yang lain. Uh, kayaknya gue salah nebak. He’s the barista, since he was the one who made the coffee.


Cute. Gue gak mau munafik, Kim Minseok was a cute guy. Gue tersenyum kecil pas ngeliat dia fokus ngebuat latte art di atas vanilla latte yang baru dia bikin. He pouted himself. A total cute. Mungkin ada bagusnya gue nerima his accompany pas dia nawarin gue. But well, that is okay. Luhan is going to come anyway.


Suddenly, he moved his attention to myself. Gue kaget, tersedak sama minuman gue sendiri. I coughed hard as I started to feel my face was getting red because of embarrassment. He chuckled, mouthing 'Are you okay?' To me. Gue ngelap mulut gue dengan tissue, mengangguk dengan cepat dan ngalihin pandangan gue dari dia.


My god, why did he see me when I was putting my attention to him?


Gue melirik sedikit ke arah Minseok. No. He was on his way to my table, again. Gue baru mau beranjak dari kursi gue ketika tiba-tiba ada tangan yang menahan pundak gue. Gue nengok ke belakang.


“Udah lama, ya? Sorry.”


Luhan dateng.


“Ah, iya, gapapa Han, kamu dateng ini kan akhirnya.”


Luhan duduk di depan gue. Kemeja putihnya udah sedikit kusut, lengan kemejanya digulung sampai siku, kancing pertama kemejanya dibiarkan terbuka. Luhan keliatan capek, but he still looked way too hot. Luhan dalam kemeja terlihat sangat manly, bikin gue mau ngeliat Luhan dalam kemeja kerjanya terus. Padahal satu jam yang lalu gue muak sama Luhan yang lebih mentingin kerjaannya.


“Kamu dari tadi disini terus? Sendirian?”


Gue mengangguk, “Aku lebih suka sendirian kalo gak ada kamu.”


Luhan tersenyum. Ear to ear. Matanya menyipit. Gue selalu suka ngeliat mata Luhan kalau dia lagu tersenyum. They reminded me of moon crest.


“Malam, mas. Sudah siap untuk pesan?”


Minseok berdiri disamping meja gue dan Luhan. Tersenyum kepada Luhan yang langsung mengambil daftar menu di meja. Gue menatap Minseok heran, gak biasanya waiter di cafe ini nanyain pesanan langsung ke meja pelanggannya.


Minseok mengalihkan pandangannya ke gue.


“Pacarnya?” Tanyanya tanpa suara.


Gue mengangguk ragu, gak yakin sama apa yang ditanyain sama Minseok barusan. Did he just ask if Luhan was my boyfriend? Kalo iya, ngapain dia nanya kayak gitu?


“Oh,” again, he mouthed.


“Hmm, saya mau Caffe Americano.” Luhan menutup daftar menu, tersenyum kearah Minseok.


Minseok nodded, he wrote down Luhan’s orders and walked back to the coffee counter.


“So at the meeting I attended today,” Luhan mengambil Green Tea Latte gue yang masih tersisa sedikit, “klien kita orang Cina. She can not understand Indonesian and barely speaks English.” Luhan meneguk minuman gue.


“Let me guess… terus karena kamu jago bahasa Cina, you became the big role at that meeting?”


“I am indeed,” Luhan tersenyum lebar, “The boss praised me, terus kliennya ngajakin aku makan malam bareng buat ngomongin bisnis kedepannya lebih lanjut.”


“And the client is…?” Gue nanya, berharap jawabannya nggak sama dengan apa yang gue pikirin.

“A girl,” Luhan tersenyum tipis, gue merengut.

“Is she pretty?”

“Well… can’t say she’s not ugly, though.”


Gue makin merengut.


“But you’re still the prettiest, baby, don’t get jealous, okay?”


I nodded, smiled at the cheesy thing Luhan said. Tapi tetep, dalem hati gue gue masih sedikit cemburu. How can not I? My boyfriend is about to have a dinner with his pretty client.


Tiba-tiba handphone Luhan berdering. Luhan mengecek layar handphonenya.


“你好,” Luhan mengacungkan jari telunjuknya, “A minute,” katanya pelan lalu beranjak dari tempat duduknya, berjalan menjauh dari gue.


Again. His work things always disturbed our quality time.


“One caffe Americano,”


Gue menoleh, Minseok sudah berada di samping gue, menaruh segelas pesanan Luhan di atas meja.


“Ada lagi yang mau di pesan?”


Gue menggeleng. Mata gue tertuju ke Luhan yang masih sibuk dengan panggilan dari--mungkin--kliennya, since he answered the call with Mandarin.


Sepiring Green Tea cupcake ditaruh di atas meja gue.


Minseok was about to turn around and walk back to his work when I stopped him, “Sorry, tapi gue gak mesen ini.” ujar gue kebingungan.


He smiled, his rabbit teeth always intrigued me. “It’s free.” ujarnya, “I know you’re a regular visitor. Anggep aja a treat from us for a dedicated customer like you.”


“And what’s more,” perlahan Minseok mendekat, “You like, cross that, love, green tea, don’t you?” bisiknya di telinga gue.


I blushed, pulled away myself backwards, “Uh, thank- thanks..”


“You’re very welcome,” that smiled hadn’t disappeared, “Enjoy the cupcake.” He walked away from my table.


I could still feel my face was getting red. He was really close, for god’s sake, really close to me. I could smell his parfume. It was somehow the mixture of chocolate and coffee. Gue bahkan gak tau apakah yang gue cium tadi wangi dari parfum Minseok atau that’s just because he worked as a barista, so the smell of coffee was all over him.


“Hey,” Luhan membuyarkan pikiran gue, “I’m sorry but can we go back now? Ada beberapa sistem yang harus aku ubah buat rapat minggu depan…” he pleaded, sambil menyeruput caffe Americano-nya yang baru datang.


“Aku anterin ke apartment kamu, ya?”

Gue mengangguk lemah. That’s okay, this is not the first time. Gue berusaha menghibur hati gue. Tapi justru karena ini bukan yang pertama kali, gue merasa Luhan udah kelewat batas.


Gue menarik lengan Luhan, “Luhan, I miss you.” I looked at him right in his eyes, I tried to tell him that I meant it, I really missed him.


Luhan mengela napasnya, kemudian menarik gue kepelukannya. “I miss you too,” Luhan mengelus rambut gue, “But I need your support, we can go together next time, okay? I promise I will spare my time for us.”


I heard that words before.


Namun gue memilih untuk diam. Pada akhirnya gue berjalan menuju mobil bersama Luhan.


Another failed date. Another promises.


Dari dalam mobil gue bisa melihat Minseok sedang melihat ke arah mobil Luhan. He smiled and waved at me.


Mungkin ketika gue kesini lagi, gue akan nerima tawaran Minseok untuk nemenin gue.




你好 (Hello in Chinese)