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Fan Fiction > YOUR SHADOW


Author : karinatamaya
Published : 22 Dec 2013, Updated : 25 Dec 2013
Cast : jung yonghwa as yong hwa and kim goo in, seo joo hyun as seohyun, #romance
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Status : Complete
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CHAPTER 3 : Miracle Comes From The Power Of Love
Yonghwa saw Seohyun wearing a jacket that is a relic of Goo In, his face trying not to show disappointment in front of Seohyun.

Seohyun saw Yonghwa car has arrived, and Yonghwa opened the window of his car, Seohyun was immediately approached him and got into the car.

"Annyeong yongg .." Seohyun greeted while giving sweet smile on Yonghwa.

"Annyeong my baby" and Yonghwa gives Seohyun a kiss on the forehead is slightly covered by her hair.
Seohyun smiling pretend nothing happened though Yonghwa jealous.
Because there are still a few hours before a concert tonight, so there is still time for them together.

"Where do we want?" asked Yonghwa.

"I want to park near Gangnam, take me there."
"Why there?"
"You'll find out later"
Without much to ask, he immediately drove to the park near Gangnam. And Just a few minutes they've got there.
Seohyun out of the car and walk slowly while looking at the trees around the park's existing, Yonghwa followed behind.
cr: seo twitpic








Seohyun stopped in front of the bushes and began to dig the soil. It appears a box and opened.

-Five years after the death of Goo In and there are five relics from him, all that stuff is not expensive but valuable means. Book, perfume, doll, scarve, and jacket. Every year before Christmas Seohyun always come to this park to bury one by one relic of Goo In, and the jacket he was wearing today is one thing that remains and buried yet-

Yonghwa actually know all the relics of Goo In for Seohyun but he was surprised to see all the stuff that was buried by Seohyun and Yonghwa was just silent. Seohyun just smiled at the stuff still in the box, she immediately took off the jacket she was wearing. But Seohyun seems more surprised, she saw a letter, a letter that she never saw in the box. She opened the letter and read.

"To: My Seo JooHyun
Annyeong Seo JooHyun my lady, I love u honey. Did you grow up healthy? Are you happy? Did you miss me? Do you still love me? I really, really, really miss you and your family as well. Take care of yourself. Mianhae..i can't keep you long, and sorry i've let you down. But I think God is more loving you will never fail you, you will still be able to be a singer, not that your dream? and you will still be able to love someone who is precious to you without me. People who can steal your heart is a wonderful person and he is very lucky to have you. Do not be afraid to show love in many people, because love is not only to be held by two people. Share the love and it will give you more love. Seo Joo Hyun move on!
Your shadow,
Goo In"

Seohyun did not realize she shedding tears, she put the letter back in the box.

This year is the last year for Seohyun opened the box and she has found someone who is more real and also very influential in her life, yes he is Jung Yong Hwa a singer.

After from park, Seohyun will resume her concert schedule tonight.

"Hyunn fighting, I will be watching your concert tonight"

"Jinjjayo? Gomawoyoo yongg" Seohyun gave Yonghwa hug before going into SNSD's room.


-a few hours later the concert was finished-

"Hyungg ne?" Yonghwa got a call from manager oppa of Seohyun.

Yonghwa went straight into the waiting room of SNSD, he opened the door and seen already Seohyun and manager oppa there even Kim Young Min ( CEO of SM )

"This can be said of the request, can also be considered a gift to you, we want you to duet on special stage in the closing ceremony of this year" said Young Min.

"NEEEE????" Yonghwa and Seohyun was surprised but in their hearts they long it forward after a duet in Niigata, Japan.


News Yonghwa and Seohyun reunited on stage quickly directly known by the fans, especially the Goguma (Yongseo lovers), because of the love of the Goguma and after a long wait it was becoming a real miracle.

Seohyun thought of the words of Goo In for not afraid to show her love in front of many people, and this is her chance to show her love with Yonghwa, for her music makes miracles.