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Fan Fiction > Love Story

Love Story

Published : 31 Oct 2013, Updated : 31 Oct 2013
Cast : Kim Sunggyu, You
Tags :
Status : Ongoing
0 Subscribes |1709 Views |0 Loves
Love Story
CHAPTER 1 : Final






“What are you doing?” you said as you poked his stomach.


“Reading.” He said as he turned to his next page.


“What about?”


He shrugged, “Some kind of love story. Pretty interesting.” And he turned to another page.




He cocked his head up, signaling a yes, “Gyu…”




“Can you spend some time with me and not just the book? You’ve been reading for the past hour, your girlfriend is feeling a little jealous of a book here.” You clucked your tongue and he laughed.


He closed the book and turned so he was now facing you, “So jagi, what did you want to talk about?”


You shrugged, “I don’t know.”


He rolled his eyes, “Great, now should I go back to my book?”


“NO! NO! Wait just let me think of something to talk about…” you thought for a while.


He smiled, “Why are you smiling?” you asked.


“Cause you’re so cute.”


“Egh…watch the grease baby.” You poked his nose.


He smirked, “But Woohyun says grease always works.” He winked at you, “You know you like it.”


“I do just…lay low on the grease, okay?”


“Okay. So, how was your day?” he started, building up a conversation.


“Umm…it was okay I guess. The fact that you came home made it all better. But then again, you’d rather spend more time with your book than me.” You smirked.


He groaned, “Aww, my jagi is jealous of my book. Do you want me to tell you about the story I was reading? I’m sure you’ll be entertained.” He said as he held your hand and played with your fingers.


“Shoot.” You told him.


He cleared his throat, “Okay…so once upon a time.”


“Cut the crap Gyu.” You rolled your eyes.


“Feisty baby, I like that.” He kissed your cheek, which made you blush, “Now, shut up and let me tell my story.” He smiled.


You nodded, “Go ahead.”


“So it’s like any typical story. Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. The boy was someone who had this…special job. The girl was just like any other girl-next-door, or at least that was what he thought.”


“How did they meet?” you asked.


He thought for a while then said, “They met by accident, but if you want to make it romantic then let’s just say it was fate.”


“And this accident was?”


“So, the boy was at the airport with six of his best friends, strolling around casually when this girl caught his eye. She was buying ice cream for her nephew when the nephew suddenly ran off.” He watched you for a second, then continued, “While the nephew was running off he accidentally crashed into the boy, causing him to fall down, hurting his knee.”


You clucked your tongue, “Poor boy.”


He nodded, “So the boy asks him if we was okay. Soon after, the girl came running to where the two boys were located at and they helped the little boy up. The boy thought she was beautiful, the girl by the way. So she thanked him and they went off. The boy was sorta sad since he thought that he would never see them again.”


All of a sudden something in the back of your mind clicked, “Gyu…”


“Shush. I’m not done.” He held his finger to your lips, ”Thankfully, the universe wanted them to meet again so by fate, they found themselves sitting side-by-side on the way back to the same country.”


“What about the nephew?” you asked him.


“The nephew originally sat next to her, but the boy wanted to switch seats.”


“So the boy wanted to flirt with her?” you raised an eyebrow.


“It was for a good cause, trust me.” He said, causing you to laugh, “So anyways, after switching seats with the nephew, who evidently now was having so much fun talking to one of the boy’s best friends, the boy asked her if she was going home from a vacation.”


“And what did she say?”


“She said that she is a university student studying at one of the country’s top universities. He was quite impressed and asked her how long she planned on staying there. She says that she plans on living there even after finishing her studies, thanks to how much she loves the country.”


Sunggyu sat up and rested his head on the headboard, “Surprisingly, she then told the boy that she knew his name. He wasn’t quite shocked, thanks to his occupation. He asked her if she was a fan of his and she nodded, shyly, which he thought was incredibly adorable.”



“I’m almost done, okay.” He smiled, “Suddenly the boy noticed how she looked kind of nervous, and she told him that flights scared her. He laughed and held her hand, telling her that it was all going to be okay since he was there, causing her to blush so hard.”


This time, you played with his fingers, “Did he ask for her number after that?”


He smirked, “Yes, he did jagi. Skipping all the boring parts after that, they met up often after meeting on the plane. Slowly but sure, he fell in love with her. He fell in love with her smile, her laugh, the sound of her voice, her jokes, but mostly he fell in love with her because she just treated him like any other guy. He felt like a normal person with her. She made him happy, and he thanked her for that.”


“And the girl...she fell in love with him?”


He nodded, “But he didn’t know about that so he was hesitant on asking her out. He talked a lot about her with his best friends. They told him that if he really loved her, then he should go for it…so he asked her out.”


He suddenly held your chin and looked into your eyes, “So what did he say to her when he asked her out?”


You smiled shyly, “He promised her that he would take care of her and that he would always make her happy. And he promised her that…”


“That I would never leave your side no matter what.” He finished your sentence and pulled you in for a kiss.


You blushed, “Gyu…that wasn’t a fictional story.” You giggled.


“I know, but I felt the need of saying those words to you again, just to make sure you haven’t forgotten about them.”


“I would never, Gyu. But then again, you retelling the story of how we met as love story…wow that was awfully greasy. Did Woohyun tell you do this whole stunt?” You winked at him.


This time he blushed, “Egh…well he did say it would make you happy.” He laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

“You make me happy nevertheless, Gyu.” You smiled at him and gave him a peck on his lips.”


“You do too, so don’t ever leave me, okay?” he brushed a strand of hair away from your face.”


“That will never happen.” You reassured him.


“Great, cause our love story still has a long way to go baby.” He winked at you and pulled you in for another kiss.


And at that moment, you knew that Sunggyu is your very own, happily ever after.